Already missing in Russian translation!

You need to add the missing translation of the days of the week on the main page. This is no longer in the available translation fixes!

M translate Пн
F translate Пт

Hi @Vadim_Lvov ,

Can you please clarify - are these strings now missing from the translation tool, or have you submitted the translations for these strings, but they are failing to appear in the latest release?

Hi @noris!They were not in the latest releases for translation. I have long drew attention to them.

Hi @noris! Not a complete translation, was not corrected in the latest update.

Hi @Vadim_Lvov ,

Thanks for the report, let me check with the team on this. Were you able to locate a string M or F in the translation tool? Or was Monday and Friday the only strings translated for this?

Hi @noris,
I did not find the M or F line in the translation tool, only Monday and Friday were translated for this.

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Hi @noris! Another update and again the translation on the main screen is not corrected. Bug is already two months old :older_man:.

Hi @Vadim_Lvov ,

Thanks for the reminder, I’ve just messaged the team again regarding your report!

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I have some queries.
were you able to find the strings ‘M’ or ‘F’ within the translation tool? Or were only ‘Monday’ and ‘Friday’ the strings that were translated?
And have you considered utilizing AI translation tools for this?