Android app having trouble finding Linux Core

I have an internal build where I am working through implementing displaying a queue. A later build may do queue management if I can get it figured out.

But at the moment, it is not ready for prime time…

I’ve not had this since switching to having a ubiquiti unifi access point, I have 3 different android remotes they all connect no issues these days. It might tied to be moving to ROCK to. One plus 5, Samsung Tab S2 and Amazon Fire HD. I was using the wireless on my Netgear r7000 before when I had the issue.

Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the Community


Thanks! I really appreciate that!

I believe Roon 1.6 has solved this problem. Well, at least, mine is.

Disabling WMF on my access point resolved my issue.
With Roon build416 I enabled WMF again and I was still able to connect.

Why Roon is the only App suffering from this setting and also only on my two Lenovo devices remains rather unclear to me.

Wireless Multicast Forwarding

The Wireless Multicast Forwarding provides an efficient way to forward the multicast traffic on the wireless medium and over comes the multicast transmission issues on WLAN using the repeated unicast of multicast frames.

It uses IGMP frames to keep track of participating group members and multicast packets are transmitted only to the interested members after unicast MAC conversion.

With WMF, the data transfer is more reliable as the frames are sent as unicast and robust transmission is possible as dynamic per station rate control can be done based on the link errors and noise conditions.

The multicast group members can be a STA end point Streaming between STA devices will also be supported. The multicast streaming server can be attached to any of the LAN ports.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.