Another attempt: for multiple years now I’m facing an issue that the Android app is not coming back properly from the background. In many cases either I need to kill the app and restart, or it takes several seconds before it returns (and looks frozen).
I’ve reported it a few years back,but basically gave up. But recently I bought a new Pixel, started from scratch, and it’s back again.
And it’s almost 100% reproducible, so this is not a “sometimes”: this is a “very often”.
Hoping that the Android app get’s some love and attention
It started on iOS beign really flakely early last year, Novemebers update made it significantly worse and comes back but is not actualy connecting to the serveer, you can noavigate some pages that are cached and even pres play and choose an album, but it wont actiually do anything, Closing app fully sorts it, They identified two causes of this behavoiur so far, using and leaving an actual filter in the text box, or just being in the background. Its not affecting everyone, but more and more people posting similar issues. I have had it on Mac and PC to with the filter issue as well as the other on iOS.
I had all kinds of bad experience on my last to Android phones with it crashing or coming up with a black screen. I think its all related they just dont seem keen to fix it in a hurry or not enough have moaned about it.
I have not been able to connect my samsung phone or tablet since last Nov. They both worked perfectly well for a couple of years before that . My original request for support has been closed without a solution My iphone and windows laptop work . How do i get help beyond this chat page?
It still has its moments but in a different way and much like it used to. It’s a big improvement than an interface that appears to work but does nothing. It has cropped up for some though.
The android app was one thing I never had an issue on, using a pixel 6a. I do wonder whether all the bundled material Samsung include on their phones is the culprit, at least in part.
Their network stack I found was problematic with Roon. I had an S6 back when I started with Roon it was not very reliable at discovering the core very hit and miss. Wife’s iPhone had no issue. Moved to a OnePlus and it worked just fine after that.