Android background mode

Hi, I have a problem regarding this new feature of Roon 1.7:

When playing on an Android device, Roon now plays in the background with metadata and transport controls available in the Android “notification” area.

I found it working on my phone after upgrading both the server and my android app to 1.7. I was able to see the Roon volume/skip control in the notification area. However, it seems to be no longer working after some time. Roon never seems to go into background mode now. I tried to re-install the mobile app and toggle the setting “keep screen awake”. None of these helped. Is there any trick to bring the feature back?

Have you recently put your phone in battery saving mode? Android will shut down apps in the background in certain circumstances. Depending on the phone, you can go into the battery menu and make Roon an exception to this.

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Thanks! That fixed the issue. I have NOT put the phone in battery saving phone mode, but putting Roon into the exception list did seem to make a difference.

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