Annual vs lifetime (tough decision)

I just spent the holidays with some young adult nieces and nephews. In discussing how to approach economic decisions, I suggested that one should never pay on credit for anything that is simply a luxury and not needed to live. If one has to charge their roon, they should use a free alternative instead. I know that makes me sound like an old grump, but it has served me well and made me financially independent. By the way, I have lifetime bought 5 or 6 years ago.


Feeling the same. Would take me 20 minutes to get the cash for roon life using my cards open debit (or another service), but… maybe another time :slight_smile:

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no, I do not want a loop hole; I just cannot decide yet cause it just music for home use. Sorry if you think so badly of me. I am just trying to make sure I get the best buck for my hard earn money. that is all. loophole is a bad word to use for someone saying someone is sneaky. WOW.

anyways, I will have until tonight to think about it.


Wise words. I got a nice bonus from work for all the extra hours we’ve had to put in lately and it went a long way paying for lifetime.


I’ve got that too, but they did not told me. So thinking that I will not have money for roon life I did bought the Christmas presents… If I would have knew I would have saved from the presents and get me the big present :slight_smile:

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wow! that is nice to hear. congratulations ! that is another way of seeing it. $700 is not cheap, and it’s a gamble.

I totally get it. it is also a way to use your money wisely when buying on credit. You don’t have to use a lump sum of money NOW and use the money you have to make more money awhile using credit, 0 apr until pay in full with set money for it. and you get points with it as well.

True it is not cheap. But I started roon 1 year ago… I listened every day (except on my trips but now we have arc). For sure I’ll stick to roon so not a big gamble

It will always be a gamble but 699 is still 130 less than what the new price will be. That’s what made me decide to go for it.

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hummmm. that is right about the extra $130. I think I do remember Roon offering it at $499 when they started.


I believe you are correct. That was before my time. I’ve been using Roon for about 1.5 years now.

oh if I join now for lifetime membership, do you also have 30 days for a full refund? to go back to annually?

Not sure to be honest.

thanks for all your help in my questions. I might just hit the plug.


I bought it more than year ago, not using often but still I think that is worth it. It depends how you listen, what source. If comfort is worth for you that 700 - why not. Buy once, cry once.

Do you have a reliable source for this statement ?

Danny said so

@PeterD Edit:

And when that number came up again later, IIRC he said it was considerably more already

My apologies, I didn’t mean it that way, and I certain don’t think bad of you.
I was trying to help you make a decision based on the most pertinent factors, that all.

I’ve adjusted my post to read …

In reality nothing is going to change between now and the end of year, after that the price goes up.

The question of will Roon be around in 4+ years is always going to be there whilst there is a lifetime option … and Danny has public stated that IF Roon were to fold they would release a final limited functionally version that did not rely on any cloud infrastructure (so we could still use it to play our local files, metadata etc. would of course be very limited) and no support of course.

But nothing is certain in life (or business) so I think it best to view it as a gamble … but I believe it’s quite a safe bet and if it doesn’t work out the relative risk compared to our other activities is tiny.

I don’t think I can say anymore … you have to weigh the pros and cons for yourself.

Hope you are able to do this.

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I recently decided to opt for lifetime membership and cannot recall any 30 day cooling off period.

Okay, that is a biased source.