But who was the youngest lifetime subscriber (when they hit buy, because none of us is getting any younger)… I was 47 when I signed up…
"You are only as old as [enter your own phrase] you feel "
I feel VERY old sometimes (72) , but I stayed Annual, my renewal was a few days ago (26th) so the price increase won’t get me until next Xmas BUT what else will
I see it as a recurring Xmas present .
Even as a pensioner in a country with a VERY weak currency , for the pleasure and control Roon gives me , it’s still a bargain
And YES I should have done lifetime 6 years ago before someone reminds me.
Billed annually the break-even point is 4.7 years for annual billing. 3.9 years for monthly billing. And that’s assuming there aren’t any price increases in that period.
I’ll be about 50 when I get to break even .
Mere Youngster
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Judging the age of many Rooners here it would seem that we are quite the ancient lot
39 posts were split to a new topic: Judging the age of many Rooners here it would seem that we are quite the ancient lot
Early 30s here with lifetime
I’m 29. I’ve been using Roon since January and went lifetime last month. I wish I found it sooner.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Judging the age of many Rooners here it would seem that we are quite the ancient lot
I went lifetime very early on after an initial short trial… mainly because it RAAT seemed to be a very stable and quality streaming protocol and I could see a lot of development potential. Very few issues over the years and pleased I don’t have an annual subscription. Quite a lot in terms of a one off payment , but worth it in my view.
If your old or young buy roon lifetime …then you have something else to live for too
I thought about this long and hard for the last couple of months, and with the price change now was the time.
A little on the math, New monthly price will be 12.5/Month or $151.08/ year. Since I just paid $699 there are 4.63 years till it’s paid off.
Will I use Roon indefinitely? I don’t know, but I do love how well it organized everything, I’ve gone ahead and moved all my CD’s to FLAC.
The last time I bought a lifetime license was for Plex. And that was about 10 years ago and still growing strong.
I hope Roon expands its creativity in the future making this a good decision for me.
I’ve always seen Roon as like Plex but strictly for music. It’s of course a little different, but there are a lot of similarities between both platforms.
I we go annually, the price is the same until you cancel or it will change as the price goes up annually?
I know lifetime subscription is set. but for the annually of $119.99, does that change when Roon decides to increase price?
Annual people pay the then-current annual rate. HTH
As I understand it. If you decide for an annual subscription and you sign up now it will be the old price. From January 1st new price.
After that renewals will be the prevailing price.
okay, I think I got it. basically, the price will be 119.99 annually for only this one time and then next year in December 2023, the price will be $149.99 annually until Roon decides to increase the annual rate at that year?
Yes, with annually you always renew at whatever the price is at renewal time, including any increases
thank you. I think I got it now. Thanks!