Anyone having trouble upgrading Nucleus to Roon 2.0?

Roon Core Machine

Roon Nucleus
S/N 54B2039B….

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ethernet CAT6

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

I’m finding this instructions to upgrade my Core (Nucleus) to Roon 2.0 very convoluted. I’m am not tech savvy so have a couple of questions.

  1. What does “Completely close out of Roon / Roon Server” mean? When I try to download and install the appropriate link (Windows RoomServer I presume as my computer is Windows-based) I get the following error message: “Please quit all instances of Roon before continuing” (photo attached). Again, I don’t know what this means or how to fix it.

  2. I understand that once I’ve successfully run the downloaded file I’m to access the /Data folder via the IP address page for my Room OS device (Nucleus). However once I get to this page I do not see a way to access the Data folder (photo attached) nor how to carry out all the subsequent instructions.

Surely there must be a simpler set of Nucleus-specific instructions available for the 2.0 upgrade I’ve been loving Roon up until now but find this process to be frustrating. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Well, you would not be downloading any installer. Your Core is the Nucleus not the PC. Take a look at this post, it might help.

RE: Upgrade process from Core 1.8 Legacy to 2.0? - #3 by Rugby

Thanks so much Big Dan. Your instructions were helpful. Unfortunately I seem to be stalled once again. Here are the steps I’ve taken.

  1. Located the Nucleus/Data folder.
  2. Like chenggang, I noticed no ‘share’ folder in the Data folder.
  3. Under Data folder I created a sub folder named “branches”
  4. Downloaded and added the ‘Roon_2-0’ file to this folder.
  5. Reinstalled Operating System. The Nucleus did not update to Roon 2.0 (see photo taken from my iPhone as Roon remote)
  6. Went back to the Nucleus/Data folder
  7. Created sub folder named “shared”
  8. In “shared” folder created subfolder called “branches”.
  9. Added ‘Roon_2-0’ file to “branches” subfolder
  10. Reinstalled Operating System. No change, Nucleus still shows Version 1.8.

I’m not sure where to go from here. Am I missing a step? Your guidance would be most appreciated!

See my post here which may possibly assist.


You do not create a folder called share in the Data folder…

You’re misreading the instructions. It says to create a folder called branches in the /Data share - not create a folder called branches in the folder /Data/share

Your first four steps above were correct, but I did not see a subsequent step where you renamed the roon_2-0 file to roon, and the migration instructions state. Did you do this? Note: the filenames must be all lowercase.

I’ve seen this come up several times. Mostly I just skip the 2.0 threads, so there could be more occurrences. Why can’t the instructions just be “create a folder called branches in the /Data folder”? Or better just “create a folder called branches in /Data”.

I tend to agree with the OP that technical vocabulary like “share” or “instance” has absolutely no meaning to many end-users. Especially those purchasing a device like a nucleus. It is not just the instructions and error messages surrounding 2.0 migration that would benefit from an edit with non-technical users in mind.

I agree - but I can’t edit the text in the Help articles - that’s down to Roon Labs to action. @jamie - any chance that these instructions could be improved with simpler language?

Agreed. This caught me out on my first attempt. For plain English, it’s poorly written.

Can we get one of the team to update the guide?

Hi Geoff,

Thanks so much for your help. That is exactly the step I missed - my bad. I’ve renamed the file and everything is working now!

I agree with comments from others that the instructions aren’t very clear for Luddites like me and could be refined. I hope someone at a Roon takes on this challenge is it will ultimately save Roon staff and clients a lot of time and frustration.

Thanks again to you and the Roon community for all your help.


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