Aperio and Roon Playback

Hi All,

Anyone out there that has a Warwick Accoustics “ Aperio” all in one E-Stat system and is streaming using Roon? Roon seems to support Aperio but not yet certified Roon Ready ? In this case what settings are you using / adjusting in the audio settings to optimized performance? Also for Hi-Res DSD playback? Any information would be much appreciated.

As a DAC it could be certified Roon tested if they submit it or Roon Ready via its network port if they have the resources to implement Roons SDK have they hinted they are doing so?. Regardless it should work as a dac cconnected to the core or any other streaming endpoint right now.

Don’t know their status at the moment. It’s working but there are no presets set up for Aperio. So it’s an info gathering trail and error process on settings?

There isn’t much in settings to set for DACs to optimise other than the max PCM rate and if it support native DSD or MQA. Roon usually works this out from the DAC anyway doesn’t need to be Roon Tested for that. The DAC side only supports DoP for DSD according to the specs so you need to set the DSD Strategy to that from the drop down if it’s not set it.

Roon Settings for Warwick Aperio

Hi, I have been enjoying Roon for a couple of years now. I previously had a DCS Roon ready Lina stack. So everything was configured.

I now have a Warwick Aperio which I am also really enjoying. However it is not Roon ready but compatible. I am trying to understand the best setting to optimize the quality of my streaming from both tidal and Qobuz as well as my ripped CD collection in Nucleus. Aperio is supposed to have native DSD capability as well. I’m trying to get the Hi-Res , DSD or in general the highest quality sound files to play. Can you advise??

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I assume it can take a USB IN since I see it on the input selector. I would ask Aperio what the specs are for that USB input. Then get an endpoint (Ethernet to USB) that is Roon Ready and use it to feed the amp.

Set DSD capability to DoP as that’s all it supports no native DSD but this will also depend on if they have good Linux support as the Nucleus is a Linux based system not all DACs have good support under Linux and DSD gets missed . If it’s fully USB 2 class compliant then Roon will just set it as to what the DAC advertises as the maximum pcm rates and it’s really job done.

Thank you for responding. So to be clear don’t connect the ethernet cable to the network input. Instead connect it to the usb? I was not actually aware there was a tthernet to usb dongle? i check into it

My Aperio chain in Roon shows the following:
Aperio- Roon Advanced Audio Transport
Aperio (USB Audio class 2)

Please don’t duplicate posts in the #support category. I’ve merged your duplicate post into your previous request on the same topic.

No you need to connect usb out of Nucleus to USB in on the Aperio. You don’t use network at all as it’s not supported. It will only work as a USB dac.

Then you sorted then. Go into device settings and check if you have options for DSD Strategy and set it DSD over DoP.

Sure, it’s sometimes hard to remember all the issues and questions that came before…at least for me. Anyway I solved the Roon issue thx

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