Apple Music High Res

Apple’s aggressive pricing came after Jack’s purchase too, so he’s got a headache with that too.

I don’t care how deep his pockets are - it’s a certainty he won’t like seeing Tidal subscriber numbers going down and moving to Apple Music now and Spotify HiFi later.

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I am sure they do but might just wait for Spotify to confirm pricing. They genuinely have no other choice right now.

I feel somewhat bad for Qobuz as they have already reduced their pricing. I do like their service and for now will keep supporting them, being the “little guy”.


Live stream about to start on spatial audio apparently.


I plan to keep supporting Qobuz through Roon. Their Apple & Android apps are very inferior to Apple and Spotify. It may even be worse than Amazon. !

So Apple & Qobuz for me. My son lets me share his Spotify account so I’ll play with lossless when they bring it out . It does look like Spotify got caught with its pants down on this one.


I use Roon less (lifetime member for 5 years) but I also bought a lifetime license for my dad and he loves Roon + Qobuz + his hard drive of music.

I don’t want to see Qobuz disappear either.

I imagine there’s a bunch of Roon users exactly like my old man, that are quite happy with Roon + Qobuz + hard drive. I want all those old farts to remain happy for many years :smile:


I’m with you on that one, I do love how much they care about music quality, their live streams and their playlists. I’m keeping that plus Roon for now.

Just enjoying AM with Atmos on the side :wink:


Oh. Thanks for sharing. Will watch it.

To be honest, I am quite content with their iOS & macOS apps. Clean and do what they’re supposed to do for me. True, they’re not as polished as others.

The only niggle I have is with their macOS app which has the same ANNOYING issue as Roon - won’t remember scrolling position when going back to library. Luckily, the iOS app remembers :slight_smile:

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This is a great paid live ad ! :smile:


I knew it was going to be fluffy when Zane Lowe was hosting :sweat_smile:

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“it’s like going from rabbit ears to 4K”

Ok ! :smile:

My eyes almost rolled out of my head.

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There is no question real multichannel or simulated 3D surround can be an incredible experience. Can be rubbish too.

Just give us the content man !

Quit talking and get back to mixing :smile:

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Mkay. I live in Narnia :sweat_smile:

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Exactly this :joy:

There are so few albums on Atmos at the moment.

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Never mind. Works now. Is that old Lady Gaga?? :rofl:

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Atmos provides time travel as part of its standard feature set.


Why are they talking about mp3 !??

They know this is an Apple Music ad right?

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You gotta love Apple :rofl:

With the phone, I can’t hear a difference between AAC256 and lossless (whatever), MacBook, the difference is huge. So, short of plugging my MacBook into the amp (via USB), how can I get Apple Music into the hifi? AirPlay doesn’t help, where’s Apple Connect?