Apple Music High Res

Qobuz works as expected (as do other streaming platforms: Tidal, Idagio, Primephonic) — capping out at 16/44.1 via Airplay. It’s surely embarrassing that only Apple Music can’t get their own Airplay to function properly. Unbelievable!


Thanks for clarifying matey. Glad to her the others work as intended.

Guess there’s not point for me to email NAD and ask them what the M10 will output if I Airplay AM to it.


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Iphone 12 Pro to LUMIN D2 via Airplay sounds fine to me.

This is what LUMIN state.

LUMIN + AirPlay

LUMIN is an AirPlay-compatible receiver. Streaming to LUMIN is lossless providing that the iPhone/iPad is set to maximum volume. LUMIN will appear on your iOS device with the name you have given it in the LUMIN App settings.

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Well my sister in law is very close friends with one of the top Apple Music executives . They worked at a record company way back in the heyday way back when !

Give me a list of your issues , I will get his/her email and send it on. I can probably talk to him/her and discuss my issues.


You taking the mick? :grinning: You’ll get bombarded! :rofl:


Not it’s getting really confusing. Through Audirvana Legacy Mode

I get ALAC via Airplay — so CD quality.


Oh dear. I should have stayed away from HiFi :rofl:


There is definitely overlap between the goals of MQA and Apple’s MO of user tie-in and proprietary tech etc IMO. But maybe that’s fodder for another thread too!

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Hi @davidh , please help us tell your sister in law as she has the connection to Apple Music folks.

The problem now is Apple Music does NOT do “EXCLUSIVE MODE” under MacOS, which means the stream will never be bit-perfect from MacOS until they sort that out.

Meaning, the application itself will not “take over” and stream to your DAC with the native bitrate of the music you’re playing via Apple Music.

It will ONLY follow a fixed bit rate which you have set on Audio MIDI Setup for the connected DAC.

For example if you have a $15k DAC from Nagra set at 96k/24bit on “Audio MIDI Setup”, all your music played from Apple Music App on your Macbook will be streamed at 96k/24bit, doesn’t matter if the track itself is 44.1k or 96k.
Worse case: when you configure “Audio MIDI Setup” as 44.1-16bit for your DAC, it will never past anything higher than 44.1k

Bottomline, playing music from Apple Music App using a Macbook is not bit-perfect, as it will resampled by whatever fixed setting configured at Audio MIDI Setup.

Using other player, for example Roon, which has “exclusive” mode will ignore sampling rate setting from Audio MIDI Setup and play tracks matching the material sample rate, up to the max supported bitrate of your DAC.

Playing on iOS, on the other hand, is bit-perfect, aka, no resampling.

Which is a shame on Apple how they have missed this on the MacOS Apple Music app.


Yeah its mostly a mac problem and I will mention this . Well said by the way on all of your issues.


IMO is mostly because of the Apple Music MacOS version has no “Exclusive Mode” and it can only reference to whatever fixed configured at Audio MIDI Setup.
Roon does not follow a “fixed” bitrate presented by Audio MIDI Setup because it uses “Exclusive Mode”


Can you trust the metadata it’s given with the stream? Roon for one sees pcm but the metadata streamers receive often says flac.

Yup. Apple need to add exclusive mode for their macOS AM app. Just as Tidal and Qobuz have for their apps.


You really want me to say it don’t you :laughing:

Apple TV 4K connected by ethernet, HDMI to LG OLED, HDMI to Bose.


By the way… I am using FiiO LT-LT1 Lightning to USB-C cable to directly connect iPhone <–> FiiO BTR5 DAC.
Works great and no “power warning” when connected to iPhone.
Also getting bit-perfect from Apple Music via my iPhone (and of course Roon too :+1:) Roon also streams to that DAC up to DSD128 using the cable
… in case anyone interested in that solution…


It’s battery powered right? I believe you only get the warning when the external portable DAC is not battery powered.

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yep, battery powered, works great!

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Nice one mate. When I got my portable battery powered DAC I was to I had to get the Apple camera connector kit. Load of BS really. Bought a £7 micro USB to USB C cable off Amazon and it works flawlessly and bit perfectly.

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