Apple TV Extension - Roon TV Remote

Thanks Russell - yes when I click on the artist with no image the next screen shows me the albums they played on with cover art and on playing the album it shows images of the principal artists.See example of Billy Drummond attached.

Getting a lot of disconnects since 1.8 and still have odd issue where display takes until mid song to update graphics. Does the app need a 1.8 related update ?


Struggling to sleep, playing around with the AppleTV and stumbled onto this. Very good!

Any chance of adding lyrics? Would be perfect on the big screen!

Hello Russell,

please don’t forget that there are still a few v1.7 users. I know it’s difficult, but I don’t want to miss this nice extension.

Thank you…

EDIT: Forget it, Russell. That’s nonsense I wrote. I’ll do the upgrade anyway (sooner or later). I hope the App will work on 1.8 as well as on 1.7 :+1:

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Just another data point: I updated to v1.8 a couple of days ago, and have used this ATV app / Roon extension for a number of hours since then, all without any issues. :sunglasses:


You’ve probably gone over this, but many images are cut off… can you scale them and add some dark borders on the left and right so it fits? So many images are cutting off right in a person’s face.

Loving this app, use it consistently as a control point (mainly for skipping in a playlist).


Missing something obvious or it changed…

When it is on Now Playing and the controls go away on screen, how do I get them back?

All I’ve been apple to do is hit pause button on remote- not ideal.

How to I get Roon to discover the extension? The TV app found my Core, but my core isn’t discovering any extensions.

It’s empty.

Hit the Menu button on your remote, that’ll bring the controls back up. You also have access from the Now Playing page to track skip by touching the left or right edge of the touch pad. Volume up & down are available by touching the top or bottom of the pad.


@Paul_Butler are you seeing “Lost Connection… Trying to reconnect” when the disconnect occurs? Thats show when the connection has been closed core side…
For the mid song graphics updates - does the issue occur on all of your zones or just specific ones?
As far as i’m aware there are no API changes in 1.8 so the extension should continue to function. There’s a bug fix build on it’s way though, that might improve things.

@RobOK fix for cropped images will be in the next build - available soon. @Milton_Krueger as got you covered on how to exit the Now Playing screen :+1:

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Hi @Charles_Fletcher does the core found name match the name for your core? If your running multiple desktop clients it may of found one of those. Selecting "Selecting a different core’ will reset the discovery.

Any chance of adding lyrics? Would be perfect on the big screen!

would add a +1 :slight_smile:


My TV Remote will no longer connect to my Roon Core… I have entered the main IP Address of my computer and still no success.

Maybe I’m using the wrong IP Address… is there are specific Roon Core IP Address and if so, where can I find it…?


Roon - settings - general will show the core IP address

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I use this ATV app most of the time now! It is better than the official Roon app on my iPhone as it is instantly available. It would be cool to have a Roon lite app on iPhone that was instantly awake for skipping and volume changes. Can you port your work to be an iPhone app?

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Sometimes a old fashioned microphone image is showing, I think that is when Roon does not give you an artist image? I like that you have a placeholder image, as a suggestion, could you make 10 images and rotate? Getting a little bored with the microphone!

Its a bit of work, but can be done!

I was getting a little bored with the microphone too, it’s already been removed for the next build.

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disconnects have reduced. Still get the lag issue. Only have one zone active. I have to be honest, i think its a network issue rather than your app, but will monitor when the bug fix released. Might be time for a network upgrade…