Apple Watch Support?

I use Apple Pay on my watch and it saves way more than 2 seconds. It’s now the only way I pay for things.

I too want Apple Watch integration. While playing a track and working around the house, I don’t carry my phone or iPad with me. Having the ability to, while walking from the bedroom to the kitchen, skip tracks would be very useful.

Being able to switch or group zones from the watch would be cool too.

Why do smart watches exist at all? Why do you use Roon instead of just TIDAL directly and VLC for local stuff?

Part of paying a monthly fee for software/services is expecting updates and expanded support. Every post in this thread that’s like “what about X? haha joke” is probably a legit use case for someone, except your moronic pacemaker comment. It just shows a lack of imagination to how a product you pay for could continue to improve your life.

Thanks for the workaround shown above, Scott. That’s excellent.

I always wear my watch but rarely carry my phone in the house and just need to pause my music for an incoming phone call or unanticipated knock on the door. If you use Apple Home for automation, you can integrate Homebridge (

Someone added this package that integrates nicely as a Roon extension: homebridge-roon-outputs - npm.

You need only add one of your grouped endpoints to the app. When you tap the endpoint, it triggers Roon to stop playback. Tap it again to play.

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A Roon extension is available for Apple TV support
Once it is up and running as an app in Apple TV, can’t you use an available Apple Watch app to play/pause it?

Another way to control Roon from an Apple Watch is to use a Bluesound Roon-ready endpoint such as a Node 2i or Pulse Flex, then control playback from the Bluesound app in Apple Watch. If you want to play through a different endpoint, you could group that endpoint with the Bluesound device then use the Bluesound app as a bridge to Roon control. I have not used the app enough yet to understand its strengths/limitations fully, but first impressions are good.

I think this would largely bubble up to Apple Watch support if Roon integrated with iOS more and provided controls via the lock screen and control center, etc. without a purpose-build app requirement.

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Interested? @DrCWO and i might soon release our Apple Watch standalone App as part of rooExtend (


wow looks amazing!! please let us all know when this would be ready


As far as I see now the app is programmed and runs on the Apple Watch simulator within X-Code.

This means we have to test it with some real watches first, probably do some debugging and this will take some time. As Klaus starts in his holidays next week please be patient.

If you are lucky it will be ready at end of September. But this is no promise :wink:

Best DrCWO

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If I can’t run Roon easily from my Apple Watch, it will definitely affect my satisfaction with Roon, and my likelihood of renewing. Thanks in advance. R.

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Hi DrCWO. Thank you and your team for the work on rooWatch, it’s a great addition to the Roon universe. From what I can see, the app provides an interface to control Roon, does it also give the ability to use Roon to store/transfer content to the Apple Watch for listening offline? If not, is that something that is being developed/under consideration?

Hi @Ed_F,
It is not possible to copy content from Roon to our rooWatch App. It would be technically difficult but even more it would violate copyright restrictions for streaming.

Best DrCWO

Roon has no way to do offline playback other than via ARC and this is limited to your owned music only.