Already mentioned 5 days ago, never got a reaction from roon.
Right, same now back home on wifi and after restarting ARC
Hey @Suedkiez ! Thanks for the report. It’s a known issue and is going to be fixed soon.
Hi @Paulb ! Thank you for your report. We’re working on a fix for this issue.
ARC wouldn’t show up.on my Android Auto so deinstalled and installed and it now shows up.
Impressively the reinstall found my server and was up.and downloading on smart.downloads despite not being on my home network.
The main blockers use of ARC seem to have been removed, it goes on and offline seamlessly without screwing up.and downloads work very quickly.
Update on my EA 222 use.
Near perfection TBH.
Android Auto, no issues to report.
My Samsung A54 became too hot this morning whilst using EA 222 Arc with downloaded content. Phone now cooling down using another app which is streaming from my home server
Anything Roons end to highlight a possible cause.
The wife who works from home said my Roon Server machines cooling fan was also going nuts. Not sure if this was before, during or after as she’s not interested
I don’t know if any changes were made to this in build 225 but now on downloaded albums the cover is loaded in high resolution (even by putting ARC in offline mode immediately after download)
There was this in B223
I know, but I had problems with that and the 224 too.
Now with the 225 they seem solved. I will do further checks to be sure.
Unfortunately I have to correct what I had written. Behavior on downloaded covers It is still very fluctuating. Sometimes it downloads the high resolution image without having to enter the album, sometimes it download them in low resolution and sometimes it doesn’t download them leaving the “famous” gray cover
Hi, @Daniele_Piancastelli, could you, please, provide screenshots and examples of albums which still exhibit this behaviour and under which circumstances do they do it + provide timestamps if possible? Could you also elaborate on how they were downloaded, please?
To be able to give you this information I have to make new downloads because I don’t have the timestamp of the ones downloaded (furthermore, those that were downloaded without covers are now all updated with the covers.
As soon as I have some cases, I will share them here
Got it, thank you for the reply, @Daniele_Piancastelli!
Last night SDL downloaded some albums and this morning I had this (I took it offline before going to the download page)
Still with ARC offline, if I go to the album page, however, the cover is loaded (initially here too there is the gray cover but then it loads almost immediately and in high resolution for these albums). Returning to the downloads page, it is updated here too.
I had to do these steps for all albums without covers
This on the Pixel 7a (android 14).
It seems like I’m having some more issues with an older Samsung S9+ that has an older version of android
I don’t think it’s Android or the version as I also still have the same with latest iOS, ARC B225 just now
Like reported and acknowledged here
Got it, thank you, @Suedkiez and @Daniele_Piancastelli, we are going to revisit this issue.
Hi! I’m not in Early Access, but I thought I’d add my feedback here about missing covers in ARC downloads.
I recently downloaded 170+GB of music in ARC (build 226 production) via permanent downloads (not Smart Downloads) in my Galaxy A54 via WiFi and when I access them while being offline I have no covers at all for the vast majority of all these albums, and for very few instances I see a very small low quality image.
I’'ll attach screenshots.