ARC makes NUC crash and then loss of connection

Hi there,

Weird problem. Long term Roon user and never had issues. I‘m running ROCK on a Intel NUC 8i7BEH.

Roon 2.0 seems to run without problems.

Problems with ARC though: it connects to my core, plays music for about one minute but then the NUC just shuts off. When I switch it back on, it boots up, cannot connect to the network anymore and shuts down again. The only way to re-establish connection is to re-install Roon on the NUC via USB stick.

Tried several times and the issue keeps repeating.


Hi @Tobias_Trinks ,

Thanks for reaching out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you here. We activated diagnostics for your account and we are seeing the crash but it is not clear as to why. Further, the need to reinstall clears out any logging which may help. Are you able to run a memory test on the unit for at least 24 hours to see if there are any issues here?

Also, is the NUC in an area that has sufficient airflow, for example not in a drawer or closet?

Does a reinstall from the Web UI also work in this case without having to use the USB?

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