ARC: Port Forwarding with Linksys mesh system [Solved - Request Static IPv4 Address from ISP]

@connor my issue is resolved. I asked for a static IP and 55000 was opened on that static IP. Everything worked like a charm after that.


Hi @Tushar_das,

Please accept my apologies for the radio silence, as I’d been away on holiday when you’d initially reported your issue. Thank you to those testers who graciously helped out with this dilemma.

I’m relieved to hear that the static IP resolved the situation. I’ll move this over to the #arc-testing:port-forwarding-solved section as a guide to other users. If you encounter any connectivity issues now that the port forward has been configured, please reach out in a new topic thread, and we’ll be standing by to troubleshoot.

Thanks @Tushar_das!


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