ARC Won't Start

Roon Core Machine


Networking Gear & Setup Details

Orbi router, Netgear CM400 cable modem; Various Netgear switches, all equipment but phone connected via ethernet, no VPN

Connected Audio Devices

Bryston DAC USB connection to Nucleus (livingroom)
Rose RS201E End point (kitchen)
Windows 10 desktop (office)
Pixel 7 (travel)

Number of Tracks in Library

4788 artists, 10566 albums, 85225 tracks, 503 composers

Description of Issue

A few weeks ago ARC stopped connecting to Nucleus when away from home. While home, reinstalled ARC on pixel, and now ARC loads but hangs immediately (white screen with round ARC logo in middle). Restarted Nucleus. Reinstalled ARC. Neither one solved the problem. ARC still hangs.

One last thing – I upgraded my Pixel before this attempt. The old Pixel had a problem connecting but I didn’t try the reinstall of ARC until I got the new phone.

What does the Roon ARC page show under settings in Roon (accessed from a PC). For an example of the page I"m talking about see below:

It says this:

Hi @Steve_Davies1,

Thank you for your report and for your patience. Have you tried installing the app via the apk installer? You’ll need to redownload the app with every update, as the Play Store manages automatic updates.

I recommend you try moving back to the Play Store track by uninstalling the app and redownloading at some point in the next few weeks.

I’m not even sure what the apk installer is. To install, I went to Google’s Play Store, searched for Roon Arc, and installed the app there.

I see that the link you gave me leads to RoonARC.apk – I assume I download that on my phone, but what then? I’ve never dealt with an apk file before.

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Hi @Steve_Davies1,

That’s correct. The APK is the raw installer for Android operating systems; it’s the core of what you download from the Play Store. The Play Store download includes accompanying information about your Google account to auto-update the app, etc.

Ok, that worked. I’m syncing with Roon Core right now. So when a new version comes out, do I need to download something different, or just load this same file again?

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