Archimago on Daniel Hertz's Maria amplifiers and "C Wave"

I see @Archimago has posted a withering takedown of the new snake oil being promoted by Mark Levinson of the Daniel Hertz company, “C Wave”.


What I also find interesting is that magnahifi, as a renowned hi-fi dealer, offers Daniel Hertz products. It would be interesting to know whether anyone there has had any experience with the products or why magnahifi offers such products at all.

Hi-fi dealers have to make a living, too. If there’s enough demand from their customers (or payola from manufacturers) they’ll carry snake-oil. It’s only when they start pushing it that I get upset.

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Er, 10 year old snake oil. Not exactly taken off has it. Not one of the snake-oil fans on this community have mentioned it, nor on that notorious other site that only allows subjective posts and relegates objectivists to their own part of the forum.