Aries / Vega S1 Roon Certification Status

Hey :wave:

Based on the information I could gather online before purchase, I somehow expected the Vega S1 to be already Roon certified for its launch a few weeks ago.

Could someone please let me know what the current status on the certification process looks like? Are we talking weeks or months?


According to the Roon partner page (the definitive source for certification), this device hasn’t competed certification. There, you should contact the manufacturer as stated in the pop-up message.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for confirming the information that was already provided within Roon‘s audio settings.

According to Auralic, the S1 devices are stuck in the certification queue so the ball is with the roon team. I was hoping to get an indication of how long that process might still take.

Hi, this is not what you want to hear I know but to set your expectations Roon policy is not to comment, their advice is always to reach out the manufacture.

At least Auralic have confirmed that it is the certification process, I guess it’s a waiting game now, or return it as not suitable.

Hi Carl,

Yes, I can see and understand company policy and response being in line. :slight_smile:

I will wait and see. Surprisingly it never crossed my mind to return the Vega. It just sounds fantastic in my setup and the stripped down feature set feels almost liberating (compared to other streaming dacs).

I have to admit that I barely missed Roon within the last days. Tidal being my streaming service of choice allows me to access that part of my library with favorites and playlists perfectly synced. I could potentially even hook up the Vega with an ssd with my file based library. :thinking:

Additions made in Auralic‘s Lightning DS are almost instantly visible in Roon (tidal again being the interface). User interface and patters feel a little different but not necessarily inferior when it comes to the overall listening experience.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of Roon, but it’s also nice to discover and explore new options.

Tic toc, this is awfully taking a long time TBH… Not as long as the Hegel H390 certification but still.

Any updates on this? Was hoping for the end of July!!!

Nope. Did not happen. If not for DIRAC feature coming I would not even be in the Auralic camp any longer. Plenty of other great Roon Ready devices. I guess we wait.

It is really frustrating.

Based on the information of Auralic‘s CEO the test equipment is with Roon for certification since Jan this year. As it is not the first gear to be Roon Ready from Auralic, I cannot see any reason why it takes so long.

While I love Roon for it’s functionality other are closing up. And especially the neat integration of gear functionality within Roon was one of their key KPIs. But if they don’t keep up with certifying new gear, I would consider it will be hard to keep the HiRes folks tuned it.

Hope to get positive news on the Vega S1 certification very soon.

Best regards, Mirko

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Since January, Roon has certified a record number of devices. Perhaps the Vega has not met the required standards? We don’t know. What we do know is that Roon updates the partner pages once certification is granted, but they don’t comment on the certification process.

It is very annoying though when Auralic says that they are waiting to hear back from Roon and Roon say nothing - although I can understand why they wouldn’t want to get in a bun fight over it.

It would be helpful if Roon could find a way to indicate at what stage in the certification process a product was at and to indicate whose court the ball was in currently.

Auralic are currently saying the ball is in Roon’s court.


I disagree. It would be better if companies didn’t announce certification until it was completed.


What Auralic said was

Roon Ready available upon completion of certification

(Mind you you’d have to look hard to find this caveat which I think is poor form).

I think it is important for a product that is released for the manufacturer to be able to say that they have applied to make it Roon ready as if they don’t mention Roon at all we would presume that it will not be a Roon compatible device.

In instances such as this where the product has been with Roon certification since January I’m just saying if there were a way for Roon to indicate where in the process it was it would be helpful to Roon users who might be interested in buying this product. (Or ones who have already purchased it).

But it probably does need to be shouted from the rooftops that if it ain’t in the Roon ready list of products it ain’t Roon ready. So I do agree that manufactures should not announce Roon ready until the unit is fully certified but also think they must have a way to indicate that Roon ready certification is in train.


Like Hegel? AFAIK, even Harman didn’t announce Roon Ready status until it was in the bag. The current rules, which have been around for several years, are unambiguous. If marketing departments want to take liberties, then it is their responsibility to hold their hand up rather than pass the buck.

For Roon users, the only source of accurate information is the partner pages:

It would strike me that:
Roon Ready available upon completion of certification

Is a correct thing for a manufacturer to advertise if the alternative assumption would be that no path to Roon certification is possible. Product roadmaps are standard across many verticals so in my opinion it would be odd to not state this if I product has been submitted for certification. Manufacturers clearly, uniformly, feel the process takes to long, So do consumers. Who is wrong? Immaterial. The policy of not commenting on ongoing certification is clearly anti-customer behaviour. STATUS: submitted STATUS: ongoing testing STATUS: rejected. That would be an answer to the potentially false assertion: Perhaps the Vega has not met the required standards? Keeping (paying) customers in the loop would add virtually no weight to the process and would go some way toward relieving frustration.


I fully agree.

And in the end it is simple as that:

Most of the gear does well without Roon but Roon without a working gear in the chain is worthless.

And don’t get me wrong: I fully respect that there might be a couple of weeks delay if too many requests file in. But we are talking months now and if Roon is currently overwhelmed by the „success“ in getting too many devices to get certified, they have two options imho:

  1. gear up to keep the pace, or (at least)
  2. Establish a proper communication with THEIR customer (which is NOT the gear manufacturer)

And also I would consider it should be a difference if we talk about manufacturers, which cooperate with Roon for quite a while (like Auralic) or newcomers. Something like loyalty bonus??

Nevertheless the actual process is frustrating for all parties involved. Communication is key!!

Hoping and waiting



Auralic have been Roon endpoints since the Aries mini in 2016. I really hope that their current issues are not due to Harman influencing what products are gaining certification and at what speed.

This isn’t a Hegel situation, all Auralic’s products for the past 8 years have been Roon ready and roon have had the S1 since January.

Hopefully I’m wrong and this isn’t the start of what some of us feared when Roon was sold, as by and large I’ve seen (what I’m presuming is) Harman’s influence as a positive.



Update on this open issue from Auralic side. (Luckily their CEO is very transparent about the process)

There seems to be a „technical issue“ with the S1 when it comes to Roon‘s Multiroom functionality. In order to ensure this Roon is requesting quite strict latency thresholds. The only caveat: devices with WiFi feature a multiple times higher tolerance threshold than those with only LAN access. (Which is the case with the S1.)

The „LAN threshold“ is physically not possible for Auralic due to the DDR technology used to maximise sound quality.

  1. At least for me multiroom is nothing I put high priority in using Roon. The clear priority is the best sound quality available. (which I also considered top Roon priority when utilising the different sources of music)
  2. If multiroom is working with higher tolerances using WiFi why to apply stricter limits for LAN access?

I am asking the Room team to urgently review this issue and allow us users to make use of the best sound quality possible when using Roon to handle our music.




Came here to see what’s happening with the Roon Ready certification of the S1 series and after reading this thread and the thread on Auralic community page, am a bit depressed.

If the certification goes through, everyone wins: Roon (S1 owners become potential customers), S10 owners (they gain access to Roon), Auralic (Roon users become potential customers) and us Roon customers (another great HW option available).

If it doesn’t, everyone loses. No-one wins.

It seems Roon’s communication has been lacking through the process, but I’ll first to admit Auralic’s CEO isn’t exactly building bridges on his forum. Still, there’s only one positive outcome here.

I get that Roon cannot start making and managing per-device or per-manufacturer exceptions to the Roon Ready requirements, but maybe those requirements can be revised. As mentioned above, in a mixed environment of devices it seems of little use to enforce stricter rules for some.

So Roon folks, I hope you are also in problem solving mode in this situation. I am just trying to be a customer of both companies here but the circumstances are not making it easy.


Is this accurate?

AURALiC has revealed that its S1 series network solutions have received Roon Ready certification.