Artist search confusion


For the last few weeks the search function has been behaving oddly in that it will not find artists directly. When I search for Pink Floyd, Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen or the Sex Pistols, to take a few examples, one of their albums will be a ’Top result’ but they will not be listed in the ’Artists’ section. To find all their albums I have to choose the ’Top result’ then the artist. When I search for The Damned, an Iron Maiden track is ’Top result’ and again there is no listing of The Damned in the ’Artists’ section. I found them by searching for one of their tracks (Neat Neat Neat) which pops up as a ’Top result’ then clicking the artist name under the track. This is more cumbersome than it used to be or should be.

Is this a settings issue?

Thankful for help.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Not getting Artist Search results

This appears to be the same issue as has been raised in a support thead elsewhere.

I’ll merge this with that.