Associate two tracks as the same composition using file tags. i.e "prefer file" for work id?

The concept of ‘Composition’ (irrespective of how many tracks it splits over) is a key concept in considering music. Roon deserves full credit for having a composition table and cataloguing music this way.
However, the implementation leaves a lot to be desired. It’s current algorithm will link compositions based on the album being recognise. Compositions in unrecognised albums will separately match their compositions based solely on the work (and composer) fields. No attempt is made to match this with ‘known’ compositions. (Unfortunately this also applies to Album artists which are not a “Primary performer”.) The option to “prefer file data” in editing compositions does not work and is known to have not worked for some time.
See Editing Composition data
and Title and Composition issue
Even if you do update all your tags correctly (I have a custom database with Yate) they will be politely read, displayed, and otherwise left alone.

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