Attempting to Queue or Add Next on a Genre instead plays the Genre music immediately [Ticket In]

Roon Server Machine

Synology DS 1019+

Networking Gear & Setup Details

UniFi Dream Machine Pro

Connected Audio Devices

PC running Linux, playing audio through SSL 2+

Number of Tracks in Library

12,000 tracks

Description of Issue

If I’m playing music, then I browse to a Genre, when I try to either “Add Next” or “Queue” on the genre music, it instead immediately starts playing the genre. In other words, trying either of these options with the arrows in the screenshot below, are instead treated similarly to “Play Now”.

My expectation is both of those options would do as they imply with genre music, similar to normal albums or tracks.

As another data point, just tested here on Windows 11, 2.0 1357 production 64 bit server with same outcome.

Hey @Brian_Hughes,

Thanks for taking the time in, and for sharing your experience with us! We have been able to reproduce this in house, and have a ticket in with our development team.

I don’t have any immediate next steps or solutions for you yet, but I hope to have more information to share soon. :pray:

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