Audio Analysis Does Not Complete (ref#K7I4PC)


Ah, Yes - of course! Thanks…

I agree that result should really actually mean something (to us), shouldn’t it.

Yes; and you did that for every one of your Albums, individually?

You may well be right. Am only offering my experience: for days, weeks, months I felt sure that I was unlikely to have any truly ‘corrupt’ files - for the reasons which I mention.

But that turned out not to be the case.

Yes, I did the same. I used BBEdit and ran all sorts of queries on every file.

That included looking in as much detail as I knew how at those specific Semele files once Andrew, Benjamin and Daniel had alerted me to what they found.

I looked at the logs in real time (with a tail -f) as I was playing the tracks in question. And they played perfectly. But, as I say, they nevertheless would not allow the analysis to complete.

I feel I’m justified in concluding that Roon staff must thus have more thorough/comprehensive/penetrating/exacting ways to examine our logs.

If that’s the case, may I suggest that you have little or nothing to lose by asking for the same help as I did.

I agree, that - as many people with far more knowledge and experience than I have here - have (also) suggested and insisted that it’s a bug.

Would be nice to find out :slight_smile: .

You never know… Good luck!

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