Audio Analysis Does Not Complete (ref#K7I4PC)

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Audio Analysis doesnt finish

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This crops up many times for different users. Its happening more and more for me. It stopped well short of my library tracks and has been doing so for some time, reboots temporarily fix it but it randomly returns. Turning it off/on does the same but none of this gets to the root cause . In an attempt to fix it Idid a full re-analysis of my library that I triggered this afternoon. Cant see any errors in the logs, I have no corrupt files, I have no skipped files. As there are so many other database issues I have logged at the moment they all seem to point to similar thing Roon not counting my files correcly in some form or another.

You should have an up to date copy of my DB as was just uploaded. Logs can be provided on request if you cant get them remotely…

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Including for me! You may also remember contributing to that thread, thanks.

For some time I was a little despondent because support became… ‘slow’; it seemed as though there is/was a persistent bug which could or would not be fixed.

What I experienced looked very similar to what you are experiencing, and have experienced. I’m sorry.

None of the suggestions kindly offered by fellow posters worked. Or at least, not permanently - as is your case, alas :frowning: .

In the end - as a matter of fact as RoonLabs tech support had said all along - I did this (as advised) and they did find (against what to me looked liked all the odds) a corrupt file. I deleted and replaced it, and have not looked back.

All I can really conclude from that is that - at least in my case - a definitely corrupt file had indeed been the cause. It may be different in other circumstance, may it not?

I wonder if it’s now time - since this does keep cropping up (although who knows how widespread it actually is, across all users) - to ‘lobby’ for a way that users can test the integrity of their databases (over and above Settings > Library > Library maintenance > Clean up Library for deleted objects, which in itself may be a little opaque in that folders are left?) so that corrupt files can be detected and indicated to the user.

I believe an FAQ would also be useful which made clear once and for all:

  • whether the point in x tracks of y in the library really indicates exactly where the stall (possibly corresponding to a corrupt file) is; that is: if it stalls on, say, 32519/32521, as in your case, is that really three from the very ‘end’; or three from the end of a previously un-scanned/not-analysed subset etc
  • whether, once this corrupt file (as always - assuming that a corrupt file is the cause) is replaced, does a subsequent analysis always cover the entire library
  • what constitutes ‘corruption’ (CRC errors, top-bit-set characters in filenames, hidden characters etc): the file identified in my case passed all other tests (known to me) - e.g. in Yate; and otherwise played perfectly - including in Roon.

If I can help in any way with your troubleshooting, @CrystalGipsy, please do say!

I dont see your thread has any conclusion or support saying its a corrupt file. It should feedback properly if it is not just do nothing. Accordinng to roon it says no corrupt files. I dont see anyting failing in my logs that i can see in regards to this. If you have any info on what they pinpointed that showed it was corrupt that would be usefull so I can search my logs. As I said I re-analysied complere library they deleles all existing analysis so it should show up if I have something corrupt. I searched for warnings, corrupt nothing pops up.

I dont really care how or what the number represents just want it to be correct and show me what file has an issue so I can look at it and possibly fix if it is a suspect file, but cant be that hard to add this stuff. I added replay gain to all my files using dbpoweramp recently when I stopped using Roon in April and that didnt error on any so I feel this is another Roon bug until proved otherwise.


The conclusion was - perhaps too obliquely implied - in this post.

I had ProStudioMasters make available a fresh complete download of Handel’s Semele. Importing that fixed it immediately.

I agree that a section in Roon somewhere which scans the database and reports any corruption - if there is any (which I do accept may not be the case for you, honest :slight_smile: ) - would be very useful.

Where have you found that - actually in Roon, CrystalGipsy, please?

What did you look for and in which log?

Sure! I agree with you, though - please remember - that corrupt files may or may not be the cause.

This is what they wrote:

…We reviewed a fresh set of Roon Server logs from your device and found log traces saying quite literally “Possible corrupt file” in the logging…

I don’t remember seeing that myself in any log. So could it be that this diagnosis procedure/tool is indeed only available to RoonLabs staff.

May I ask you to describe what you did exactly, please, CrystalGipsy, please: that could add to our knowledge…

Its a focus option

You can go to edit on any album or select all and rerun analysis on your whole library or select albums.

Thanks but as I searched for corrupt already and nothing came up then I doubt its that.

searched Roonserver logs for corrupt,warings, errors etc. takes some time but its good to pinpoint things.


Ah, Yes - of course! Thanks…

I agree that result should really actually mean something (to us), shouldn’t it.

Yes; and you did that for every one of your Albums, individually?

You may well be right. Am only offering my experience: for days, weeks, months I felt sure that I was unlikely to have any truly ‘corrupt’ files - for the reasons which I mention.

But that turned out not to be the case.

Yes, I did the same. I used BBEdit and ran all sorts of queries on every file.

That included looking in as much detail as I knew how at those specific Semele files once Andrew, Benjamin and Daniel had alerted me to what they found.

I looked at the logs in real time (with a tail -f) as I was playing the tracks in question. And they played perfectly. But, as I say, they nevertheless would not allow the analysis to complete.

I feel I’m justified in concluding that Roon staff must thus have more thorough/comprehensive/penetrating/exacting ways to examine our logs.

If that’s the case, may I suggest that you have little or nothing to lose by asking for the same help as I did.

I agree, that - as many people with far more knowledge and experience than I have here - have (also) suggested and insisted that it’s a bug.

Would be nice to find out :slight_smile: .

You never know… Good luck!

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Hi @CrystalGipsy,

We can certainly take a closer look, please share a fresh timestamp of the issue and we’ll review it! Thank you

Will sort that out tomorrow as don’t have access to the desktop app until the morning.

Hi @ Benjamin just done an audio analysis at 15.23 ETD 20:23 GMT which is where my server is got to 125 /126 then spins and spins and does not complete. These where two albuns already in my library just queued up for reanalysis. But same will happen for any new music.

Hi @CrystalGipsy,

Feel free to share a set of your Roon Server logs and we’ll take another look, here’s a link to our File Uploader.

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Log uploaded.

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Hi @CrystalGipsy,

Thanks for sending those over.

To confirm, a total of 126 tracks over two albums? From logs, we see analysis issues related to :

Track Various Artists - 100 Hits: Indie Anthems

Because of this, we believe your analysis issues may be related to the known indexing hiccups related to various artist content - tracked here:

Do you find yourself ever having this issue with non-various artist-related content?

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This was an album already in my library and was originally analysed a few years ago when added. It’s never had an issue. I only redid it to show the issue of it getting stuck I randomly selected a bunch of albums. This doesn’t have any non-contiguous tracks. The issue with analysis getting stuck can happen on any album and was happening before this was reanalysed. I have reported this behaviour before and it’s not something new, Roons been doing it for a long time. Whether a Various Artist album is the initial trigger I cannot say, this is for you guys to work out. But it now happen for every album it will always be short of the track count it shows. A reboot may clear it for a while but it will return.

Hey @CrystalGipsy,

Thanks for the additional info. Feel free to send over a copy of an issue track the next time it happens. Our team has a ticket in for further investigation, but progress is slow-moving.

When more information is provided I will share an update. :+1:

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