Audio drops in Roon despite stable internet and Sonos setup (ref#S0XW2U)

Thanks for all of the information you provided. Based on what you’ve told us we think that the mesh connection may be a bit shaky. We do have some tools that can help troubleshoot this if you are willing to do a bit of a deep dive. If so let’s start by using this tool to ping your router, mesh points, Sonos points, and so on. Next, connect your pc to the same place/location as your Nucleus and then see where the drops/lag happen.

my MacBook saying I have no available applications that will open this file to use this tool?

Sorry that was a windows program. Let me find a MacOS version.

Defiantly want to get to the cause of these drops. I am not finding this program for MacOs. have you found the correct version? A solution to this would be greatly appreciated, this issue is going on a couple years now want to keeo Roon as it remains the best for music.

Let’s approach this in a different way. Do you have a Windows machine you can test with? All of the MacOS versions of the ping test are poorly made.

I have been considering picking up a tablet of some type to use exclusively for roon, any suggestions ?

Roon does not endorse any particular model of tablet. I know many users have iPads and have seen several Windows and Android tablets.

I have an iPad Mini 6 and iPad 8th Gen that I use “mostly” for Roon. If I was going to purchase a new tablet, it would be an iPad 10th Gen.

i’ve been messing around quite a bit with sonos and roon and the bug mentioned.
It can sometimes be a bit hit and miss with what helps.
Have you tried switching your sonos units to play in 16 bit instead for 24 bits?

Ok I installed the tool on a windows laptop. ran a ping on router,mesh points, Sonos points and all. out of 22 targets 6 points showed red the rest green. what is next step? connect my MacBook to same place as Nucleus or connect the windows laptop to same place?

Then look for where drops happen?

Do the points shown as red correspond with your nucleus or your speakers?

From what I can tell the points shown in red correspond with the speakers or Google points. Question is what would a fix be? would an upgrade of the google mesh accomplish a solution? would still need to be wireless in my situation. Why does everything else work? Sonos app, Spotify all work fine. Is it the amount of info Roon pushes out overwhelm the connection?

Yes, Roon is quite data-heavy so it can be more sensitive to instability in a network. I’ll discuss this with my teammates and get back to you when I know more.

any updates? I would like to try a more stable mesh system however would be another investment and would be a shame if issue was not solved.

Yes, connect the Windows laptop with the network tool running. Look for any packet loss happening.

I have identified one location with a weak connection however not sure what devise this is. IP MAC address 7c:f6:66:e0:ae:7e.

Download is at 0 upload at 320. could this be the google point used as the router?

If you log into your router you can look at the device list. You should be able to see which device this IP address belongs to.

Ok. The location was the google mesh point that is being used as the router. Did a hard reset and all worked perfect for a short while then started again with the same “ Roon lost control of audio devise “ issue. all points are showing a strong great connection however back to the same thing. guessing the google mesh just not able to meet the demand?

Mesh networks are one of the recommended ways to use Roon. Can you try switching the server mesh point with another in your network? I’m wondering if the mesh point itself might have an issue.

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