Audio outputs not available after core migration

Roon Core Machine


Networking Gear & Setup Details


Connected Audio Devices

Windows 11 PC, USB DAC

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Hi! I have been using roon core on my Windows PC for a while. It worked nicely both for listening on a USB DAC connected to the PC, and on the living room setup (raspberry pi running Ropieee connected to USB DAC).
Today, I have set up a new machine running ROCK for core, and migrated my library following the online instructions. After setting up ROCK, everything works and I can stream to the living room Ropieee. I can also play on Roon remote on my iPhone.
On the PC that used to be the core, I can connect to the new core and everything’s fine except the local audio output (DAC) does not show up under Settings/Audio/This PC. I have uninstalled Roon, restarted PC, reinstalled Roon, same thing. Absolutely no audio output available. I didn’t change any configurations of the audio device and the output works fine with other sources.

My Windows Roon was fully updated before the migration an output was fine so I don’t believe this is caused by an update to the Windows client.Both the PC and ROCK has v2.0 build 1128.
Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Longshot but have you tried running Roon Bridge on the PC?

Yes - I installed Roon Bridge, and manually added firewall rules for roon, raatserver and roonbridge for inbound and outbound. No effect - still no devices. Before, as core, there were like 5 (all of the display, mobo generic devices).

Have you also rebooted your ROCK machine?

Also - check on the PC that firewall rules for raatserver are present.

And nothing happens if you click the refresh icon for the PC on the RHS of the Audio devices screen?

turn off the windows firewall to troubleshoot - if things magically work then you know where the issue is…redo the firewall settings

Thanks! yes, rebooted ROCK. rules are present. Also tried turning firewall off. Clicked the refresh icon, nothing noticeable happens. Still no outputs.

OK I see what’s going on but I don’t know the solution.
The ‘This PC’ section in Roon on my Windows 11 PC shows the devices of the ROCK CORE, not the PC. If I plug the DAC in the core machine, it is now shown under ‘This PC’. I can enable it and it works. But ideally I’d like to see the outputs of my PC, not those of the core here…

Furthermore, the signal path also shows ‘This PC’ while it’s connected to the core.

Can you provide a screenshot from Roon Settings > About. In addition, have you recently restored a backup?

Sure, here’s the screenshot.

Yes, I have restored a backup. I have followed this guide including the last step of deleting the database of the old core. Later I also uninstalled and scrubbed all Roon programs and folders before reinstalling it.

It may be relevant that I built the ROCK machine out of parts that have been in my PC before, so hardware IDs may cause this.

A post was merged into an existing topic: I have the same problem

Ok so since there seems to be no solution for this. Is there a way to reset the database keeping the data but purging the settings?

Hi @Doug_Piranha,

Thank you for your patience and please accept my apologies for the delay.

It’s possible that hardware IDs are causing the issue with endpoint visibility on your ROCK, but I suspect refreshing your Roon database an additional time, as well as your RAATServer, will eliminate whatever settings were mismatched following the Core migration.

Please take the following steps and let me know if it improves your issue:

  • Stop RoonServer from running in ROCK’s WebUI
  • Navigate to your ROCK’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Also rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new Roon and RAATServer database folder
  • On the Roon Remotes, press “Use another Core” and connect to the new database

We’ll be standing by for your response.

Hi! Thanks for getting back to me.
I have followed the steps above. When I restarted the RoonServer, and opened Roon on the windows PC, and connected to the core, it asked for my Roon login, and then started creating a new library asking for my Tidal. This library didn’t have my previously created Roon playlists and DSP settings. The outputs available in the audio tab were the outputs of the core and the network devices (not the outputs of the PC). So I rolled back to the old folders and I keep using it as is (DAC connected to core). I put an ipad on my desk to control it and no longer use roon on my pc.

Hi @Doug_Piranha,

It sounds like you’ve set up a Roon Remote on the PC successfully with a new database. You can simply restore a recent backup now in Roon; this will bring back your saved DSP customization and playlists. I recommend then restarting RoonOS on the ROCK, and restarting the Windows Remote.

I also recommend checking the Windows firewall exceptions to make sure Roon’s executables haven’t been cleared from the whitelist. You can use these instructions to add the exceptions and the executables themselves would be located in your Database Location/Application folder path.

It’s not successful, because the windows remote still has no idea which device it’s running on so I’ll never get to play anything on the PC output again. but as I said I can live with this, you can close the topic.

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