Audio targets limited to 'This Mac' after restart- Roon Server on Mac Mini M4 (ref#W6DJPG)

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Audio targets limited to 'This Mac' after restart- Roon Server on Mac Mini M4

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Asus RT-AC86U

Update: Audio zones and devices appear as expected after restarting the Mac Mini.

So this seems to isolate the issue to Roon Server restarts without a hardware restart.
This will be necessary each time an RS update is released, due to RS restart.

When this issue occurs, I cannot play music :unamused:

Hi @Jack_O_Donoghue,

Please see my response on your related issue here.

Happening again :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Multiple H/W restarts of the Mini, but the audio zones are not returning.

I added Tailscale for ARC, but disabled and quit this to isolate this issue.
The issue is still present.

I’m totally stumped by this, and it means that I can’t play anything!

Please can the team help me @connor ?

Hi @Jack_O_Donoghue ,

This won’t fully resolve the issue that many users are experiencing as well as yourself and @connor he’s out until sometime this coming week for a holiday, but this certainly should allow you to play your music once again. Please give it a try

Flush Cache

Step 1. Perform a backup and shutdown all endpoints and your server.

Step 2. Delete Roon

Step 3. Reboot

Step 4. Open the “Go menu” located in your Apple menu (Finder) select the drop-down “Go to folder” and then enter each line below in turn in the field to reach a given directory. Once there delete each parent directory that references the name “Roon”.

Example: When performing this action on my Macbook using “~/Library/Saved Application State” it reveals the hidden directory “com.roon.Roon.savedState”. In my example, you would select this directory for deletion.

~/Library/Application Support
~/Library/Saved Application State

Step 5. Reinstall Roon

  • When reinstalling you should see a prompt requesting that you Allow “Roon” to find devices on local networks. Select “Allow”

Step 6. Power on your server and endpoints. Reinstall your backup

Thanks @Singleton . I am trying to rule out any hardware issues with the Mini M4, since I’m within the return window… is that a possibility?

It seems less likely if there are others with Mac configs and much the same issue. Relief that this isn’t just me, I’d just started reading this thread…

The actions proposed are a “dig out the roots and start all over again” which I’d rather not have to go through. Is that the first course of action?

Update @Singleton and @connor

This post from @David_Moore2 is the best answer and explanation that I have seen for the issue that I am experiencing- thank you David!

Emphasising part of your post for others who experience this:

Sequoia suffers from a bug in the new feature “Local Network” which is a facility to allow or deny access to other devices on your network by an application.
This is enabled (with your permission) when first opening Roon after installing Sequoia however after a reboot or sleep or associated internal network conflict, macOS “forgets” the setting (even though the toggle is set to “on” in system settings/privacy & security/local network) and denies access. Toggling this off and back on, for all Roon entries, normally restarts a working link to the endpoints if you are having issues with the Eversolo disappearing.

FWIW this seems a pretty severe issue with MacOS that needs Apple to investigate and resolve.

IDK whether it could also be related to network implementation in Roon software, but at face value if this occurs for all applications needing access to Local Network from a Mac, I imagine this will be causing lots of trouble outside Roon too.

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@Jack_O_Donoghue ,

I don’t think this issue has anything to do with hardware. It appears to be macOS Seqoia based entirely. Personally, I wouldn’t be to concerned about your Mac mini.

Agreed. I’ve actually reproduced this issue once. Which is strange. I rebuild/wipe and install macOS on multiple computers while testing Roon. I’m a tinkerer. I was able to reproduce this issue a single time and that was it. Well actually I shouldn’t say that was it, I moved the Roon Server off of Mac. I experiment with it on several OS’s.

I know this is absolutely a deal breaker for many and yes in my research online this is affecting various software and work environments. Hopefully the latter will help get Apple to respond more quickly with a fix.

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@Jack_O_Donoghue ,

Something to consider which most would not be infavor of because they want to run at optimum “now” if you own one of the new Apple mini M4 pocket rocket’s and your using it especially exclusively as a Roon Server. I would install macOS Sanoma on a spare external SSD and boot your mini from the external SSD.

Your still going to be running Roon on a setup probably far faster than you’ve ever known.

When the dust clears get on board.

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