Audioquest USB-DAC not recognized on Snapdragon ARM-Laptop (ref#QJ6487)

What best describes your playback issue?

· My DAC, streamer, or speaker doesn't appear as a Zone in Roon

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *Network Zones* are affected.

Is the affected network Zone connected with Ethernet or WiFi?

· Ethernet

Which network audio protocol is the Zone using with Roon?

· RoonReady

Does the device show up at all in Roon Settings -> Audio?

· No, it does not show up there

Does the device play audio from another source when using the same connection?

· The device has no problems with another audio source

Have you checked that Roon is whitelisted in any firewalls?

· I've checked the firewall and the issue remains

Since you are using a network connection to the device, please ensure that your RoonServer is on the same subnet as the device

· My devices are on a single subnet but is not visible to Roon

Do you have a complex network setup?

· Both the device and RoonServer are connecting to a *single router*

Try to disable any additional networking interfaces on your RoonServer machine.

· Disabling network interfaces had no change in behavior

Check to make sure RoonReady mode is selected on the device.

· I've checked this and the issue remains

If the device has multiple output options, do the other options work as expected?

· Multiple output types are affected

Is the device using the latest firmware as per the manufacturer?

· Firmware is up-to-date but the issue remains

Do you have an approximate timestamp of when the issue last occurred?

· today

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt connected by USB-B or USB-C to Microsoft Surface Laptop 7th Edition (Snapdragon X Elite 32GB/1TB SSD)

Describe the issue

Audioquest USB-DAC isn't recognized on Snapdragon ARM-Laptop

Describe your network setup

Laptop is connected by LAN over Switch to Router, R.O.C.K. on Intel NUC also connected by LAN

What Roon software are you running on the Laptop?

Roon Version 2.0 (build 1496) production 64-bit.
I can stream music to my hifi setup in the livingroom (RaspberryPi4B, RME ADI-2 DAC FS, ADAM Audio A7X) without any issues.

There is no official support for Roon on ARM64 (Windows.) Whilst the x86-64 app may run, it is unlikely to be fully compatible.

Tidal is working fine together with the Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt, incl. High Res-Audio.
So the Hardware (Audioquest) and some Software (Tidal) is running on Windows 11 ARM.

And even Roon is running on Windows 11 ARM, maybe there is only a small fix neccessary?

Does the TIDAL app use the OS mixer or exclusive mode? You could try both on Roon. However, without an ARM64 build there are no guarantees.

Normally, I’d move posts relating to unsupported configuations to Tinkering. However, I’ll leave this here, so Roon Support may respond.

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Yes, exclusive mode is possible in the Tidal app, and it is also possible to keep the volume level at maximum in Tidal. However, whenever a new track starts, the volume is much too high. I also had this issue with the standard Windows version (non-ARM), which is why I didn’t use exclusive mode in Tidal.

It would be great if someone could check if it is a big deal to fix the USB-DAC issue.

Hey @Aaron_Lang,

Thanks for writing in, and welcome to the community! As @mjw has mentioned, Roon does not offer an official ARM64 build for Windows. While the x86-64 version may run on ARM devices through emulation, full compatibility isn’t guaranteed.

We’d be happy to continue providing support, but we’ll need to troubleshoot in your standard Windows version.

In Roon, can you try enabling or disabling exclusive mode to see if it affects recognition or playback? This setting can be found by clicking the gear icon next to the audio device in Roon’s settings and selecting Device Setup.

With that, could you please use the directions found here and send over a set of Roon Server logs to our File Uploader?

Thank you!

I switched completly to the Windows ARM Laptop and don`t have the old Windows 11 Intel-Laptop anymore.

As long as I can stream (remote control) my music to my Hifi-System via Roon I’m fine for the moment. As Tidal works locally with the external USB-DAC I just listen this way.

Hi @Aaron_Lang,
Is it safe to say that your problem isn’t happening on the ARM laptop?

The main problem on the Windows ARM-Laptop is not fixed: external USB-DAC is not recognised in Roon-Software.

That’s because …