Roon Rock on NUC i7 running Roon Version 1.7 (build 511)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Gigabit Ethernet; Synology NAS DS2419+ INTEL Atom C3538 quad core 32 GB memory
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Auralic Aires G1 USB connection to McIntosh C-47 preamp
Description Of Issue
I use the DSP in Roon. In the Sample Rate Conversion is enabled. In Roon, I selected the DSD format conversion at the highest rate offered – DSD128. Aries G1 is sending native DSD128 to the Macintosh C 47 and it is playing perfectly.
The DAC in the McIntosh C-47 will play up to Native DSD256.
From Roon when the endpoint is a Windows PC (i5, nothing fancy), I can select DSD256, and it plays perfectly.
Why can’t I select DSD256 in Roon when the Aires G1 is the endpoint?
However, Roon will not stream higher than DSD128 to the Aires G1 when it is connected to the McIntosh C-47.
I’d like to get the best out of the McIntosh with Roon. The PC died so I replaced it with the Auralic Aires G1 thinking it would be a better endpoint. The specifications say it will stream Native DSD512. So this is rather disappointing and confusing.
Windows has a native McIntosh driver that supports DSD256. The Auralic Aries G1 doesn’t so it’s limited to using DSD over PCM. Aka DOP. All that PCM 384 is capable of carrying via DOP is DSD128. You would need a DAC capable of PCM 768 to do DSD256 via DOP.
When Auralic mention native DSD 512 they are referring to their DACs and maybe a small select others with the correct USB chip.
I understand. I was trying to improve the quality of the end point in the C-47, and, silly me, I took the manufacturer’s specs at face value.
If I want a high-quality streamer (rather than a PC) as a Roon endpoint, which ones will work well with the McIntosh C-47? I had the same type of problem using a Pro-Ject Stream Box Ultra. Could only stream PCM. No DSD from Roon.
Will I find the same problem with sotm sms-200 ultra?
I’m thinking about another possibility as well though, you could also try using a Roon Bridge device (such as Sonore micru/ultraRendu or Allo USBridge) and connect the McIntosh C-47 via USB to this device.