Aurender vs Lumin based streamers and Aurender AKM vs Luxman Rohm

I am looking for people’s impressions on:

  • Aurender streamers vs Lumin based streamers.

  • Aurenders with an AKM DAC vs Luxman CD-players with a Rohm DAC.

  • I have an Aurender ACS100 ripper and a Luxman NT-07 (Lumin) streamer but can still exchange them for an Aurender device in the store.

  • I am still using a Luxman DA-06 (Burr-Brown) DAC but have the Luxman DA-07X (Rohm) coming in soon.

If I make the move to Aurender I would keep the Luxman DA-07X that I ordered.
I would use it with either:

  • An Aurender N20 streamer.
  • An Aurender A20 or A30 streamer/DAC so I have the choice between two DACs connected to my amps (integrated amp and 2 headphone amps). I hope connecting one DAC via XLR and another DAC via RCA to the same amp won’t create ground loops?