ROON’s database is often corrupted and the solution offered by ROON is to go to the server find the core. Use the %localappdatat% rename the database (the directions supplied by ROON can only be found if a search with certain key words is issued and there are different obscure directions depending if one uses RoonServer, ROON, etc. Just try to find the directions, It is a pain.)
I backup my files weekly automatically to both a Dropbox site and a local drive. Preferably don’t use or depend on the Dropbox to restore as it can take several days depending on the size of the library.
I also have two battery backups for my PC running Roonserver to prevent disasters. But during a power grid problem the database still gets corrupted and ROON won’t work.
This is a known fault of ROON that has never been addressed. Maybe there is no way to prevent it? I don’t know. I’m not a ROON programmer.
But there should be a simple fix for this. I should simply be able to go to Settings, click on Restore Corrupt Database” Yes/No to confirm,
Then, Restore from latest backup? Yes/No?
The ROON user should then be done with the whole process. Except of course waiting for the database to be restored.
I think with a little clever programming ROON should be able to detect this issue perform its “Due Process” and the ROON User should not have to be concerned at all.
I’ve many horrible experiences with this since purchasing my Lifetime license when ROON first appeared.
This is a known fault of ROON, and it should be a non issue.
Nothing like coming home after a long week’s work, clicking on ROON to listen to some tunes and be greeted with,
There was a problem loading ROON. ROON can’t find its database. Don’t worry the Wizards of ROON are there to help. It’s something to that effect.
At the very least a clear, fabulously written instructions should appear then to explain how to repair the problem.
I’d suggest instead. “ While you were out, ROON experienced a corrupted database. As a result repairs were made and you can continue your great ROON experience.” Enjoy your evening.
One other helpful idea. While the database is loading, again. . . Please allow one to continue to use Quboz and Tidal while ROON is busy restoring the database. At least we could listen to something instead of having to start Lightening DS or jRiver.
While I’m wishing!
What about a ROON uninstall command that roots out all the hidden and unbidden files throughout ones operating system so one could start with a blank slate to reinstall the system.