Database crashes and restoration failures on Ubuntu with RoonServer (ref#88LJ4U)

Thanks for the suggested link, but that only leads to some general information and isn’t really helpful. I’ve read if before.

My hardware was bought new, shows no errors and runs properly with overcapacity. Power outtages don’t occur often or even at all, still I seem to deal with quite a lot of (latent) corruption in my database and backups. Usually after a Roon Server update.

So please don’t beat around the bush and be clear about this:

1. How does Roon (or do I) check the integrity of my database?
2. How does Roon (or do I) check the integrity of my backups?
3. How can I prevent (or fix) a corrupt database?

There’s been quite a few complaints and speculation about the alledged lack of backup verification on the forum and while having read those, my questions above have not been answered by Technical Support yet. Users are just guessing how the Roon software deals with it and I’d like to hear it from Roon’s people, as they’ll know better how the software deals with corruption and verification and how users could or should deal with the software.

Other related threads on this topic:

Furthermore, I was asked by Technical Support to send in my logs, which I did, and now Technical Supports wants me to look at those logs??? Look, I’m a complete noob regarding Roon’s software. I just want it to run smoothly and unfortunately it doesn’t, because of repetitive database corruption. Please let qualified persons have a look at the logs to see what might be the cause.

I just don’t want to end up starting over again with a clean slate every so often, which is exactly what I’m doing right now unfortunately.