Automatic Backups Not Found in Roon Backups

Hey @Nathan_Wilkes and @anon47919701,

I want to thank you for your patience here as we continue to investigate. I had a chat with the team regarding the status of their investigation today and I have some good news for you — We were able to reproduce similar behavior and we’ve opened up a bug report with our developers.

While I can’t give specific timeframes for this, getting things reproduced in-house is a critical first step, and we will keep this thread up to date as the team passes along feedback and work begins to get this resolved.

Kind regards,


@noris, @dylan: as expected, the scheduled backup was successful in its second iteration. Thanks.

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I’d like to report the same problem that @Nathan_Wilkes had. I recently set up a NUC ROCK core. Something messed up while I switched the ethernet cable, and I had to restore the backup. I clearly remembered that I manually backed up just a couple of days ago, but Roon only found a week old backup as the latest (and one more older version). I ended up burning a few hours to redo the recent edits.

After everything was restored, I also did a forced backup but the file is still not found.

My current set-up:
ROCK Core - Intel NUC 7i5.
Backup location - Network drive attached to a remote MacPro.
Backup operation was done at the remote.

@support, here is what I did. I made two scheduled backup setups at two different storages. On storage A, I deleted all previous backups, went into the “scheduled backup” and “forced” backup. On Storage B, I didn’t delete the backup yet (as this was the only one left - which was created by “backup now” option so it has the nested “RoonBackups” folder), and let the scheduled backup happen. This morning I confirm that both backups were done successfully. Now I can find the forced backup on storage A properly, but not the scheduled on on storage B. This is consistent with the issues with @Nathan_Wilkes. Clearly there is a problem.

Just a quick follow-up: as found in another posting, I reinstalled the ROCK OS (v. 1.0, build 158) and now it finds the backups properly. This was not my carelessness because Roon -> Settings -> About had indicated that all latest versions were installed. Just want to keep this as record for someone who run into a similar problem.

Well I see this topic is quite old, but apparently there still be beasts lurking. I have a ROCK running the latest roon. I’ve never scheduled an automatic backup, but I do manual backups weekly and as needed (backup now in the roon menu interface). I needed the ROCK machine for another purpose, so I did a fresh manual backup. To be safe, I also exported all my playlists. I don’t have much other customizations that I care about. So I installed a different OS on the NUC, did my work, and re-installed roonOS. I then went to the knowledge base and carefully followed the instructions to restore my backup. The interface found my server, and I was able to navigate to the backup folder and could see my manual backups. But when I selected the backup folder I got a message “no backup found”. I tried various choices for the backupfolder in the tree hierarchy (RoonBackups, ea*, parent folder of RoonBackups, see image), … same message. Finally gave up, remounted my music on ROCK, and let it re-index. waste of time and roon server resources. given my minimal customizations and exported playlists, I’m running again. From this thread, maybe I should have selected the 'xx" folder inside the backup itself? At any rate, this issue from 2018 is still biting some of us in 2022, and the instructions for restore in the roon knowledge base are either incomplete or need to be updated/improved to be more explicit about backup file selection. Maybe this is partly user error, but its costing roon resources and for many people might lose them configuration.

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