B1159 (Windows) crashing at startup [Ticket in]

Roon (Windows 11, full version server+remote) crashes at every startup since B1159. Never had a problem before.
Looking at the logs it looks GUI related. I have just uploaded complete logs under “alec_eiffel”.

–[ INNER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Inner Exception Source: BrooEngine
Inner Exception Type: System.Exception
Inner Exception Target Site: Style.GetStyles
Inner Exception Message: invalid style: serif_header_4_black
Inner Exception Data: none

–[ Inner Stack Trace ]------------
Broo.Engine.Style.GetStyles(Widget w, String widgettype, String styleslist, LoadContext loadcontext, Boolean usedefault)
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 203, N 681
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 78, N 118
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 90, N 143
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 10, N 62

Hi, @alec_eiffel, thank you for the report. @andrew.v will take a look at this issue today.



We were able to reproduce, @alec_eiffel. To get out of the crash loop you need to remove the GMS file. You can do it by following the steps:

  1. Locate your Roon folder on the affected machine – link
  2. Go to Database/Registry/Client and remove a file called GMS_...
  3. Launch Roon. It will load the home page.

This issue is related to using the Dark Theme on specific artist details pages. So, as a workaround I’d suggest to use the Light Theme.



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Thanks for the tip about dark theme, I’ve been having these crashes as well on certain Artist pages. I’ve switched to light theme for now.