B1159 (Windows) crashing at startup [Ticket in]

Roon (Windows 11, full version server+remote) crashes at every startup since B1159. Never had a problem before.
Looking at the logs it looks GUI related. I have just uploaded complete logs under “alec_eiffel”.

–[ INNER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Inner Exception Source: BrooEngine
Inner Exception Type: System.Exception
Inner Exception Target Site: Style.GetStyles
Inner Exception Message: invalid style: serif_header_4_black
Inner Exception Data: none

–[ Inner Stack Trace ]------------
Broo.Engine.Style.GetStyles(Widget w, String widgettype, String styleslist, LoadContext loadcontext, Boolean usedefault)
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 203, N 681
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 78, N 118
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 90, N 143
BrooEngine.DLL, IL 10, N 62

Hi, @alec_eiffel, thank you for the report. @andrew.v will take a look at this issue today.



We were able to reproduce, @alec_eiffel. To get out of the crash loop you need to remove the GMS file. You can do it by following the steps:

  1. Locate your Roon folder on the affected machine – link
  2. Go to Database/Registry/Client and remove a file called GMS_...
  3. Launch Roon. It will load the home page.

This issue is related to using the Dark Theme on specific artist details pages. So, as a workaround I’d suggest to use the Light Theme.



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Thanks for the tip about dark theme, I’ve been having these crashes as well on certain Artist pages. I’ve switched to light theme for now.

Is it possible that this is still not fixed?

I had this happen multiple times and can basically 100% force it to happen when I just resize the window a bunch. Reinstalling ‘fixes’ it (need to delete database there is no file starting with GMS).

Light mode appears to be more stable (need to test more though).

Is this still the same issue 2 years later?

This is from event viewer. Don´t have anything in roon logs as I have reinstalled it.

<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
  <Provider Name=".NET Runtime" /> 
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">1026</EventID> 
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-12-23T18:49:32.8383569Z" /> 
  <Correlation /> 
  <Execution ProcessID="20440" ThreadID="0" /> 
  <Security /> 
  <Data>Application: Roon.exe CoreCLR Version: 6.0.3624.51421 .NET Version: 6.0.36 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 000000002857FDAE</Data> 

On non windows machines seems to be running fine.

If there’s no GMS file, then this may be a different issue.

@maximal - the best course of action is always to open your own Support request and describe your setup in detail if you want help.

You may have a similar symptom, but not necessarily the same cause as the original poster - your system setup may be different, that’s why the general rule is to always first open your own request. Let the Support team merge threads if they find common causes.

Note, this Support link is clickable and will take you to the correct place to create your request by clicking on the “Get Help” button.

Will do I guess. Though, in general the question is. Is roon stable using darkmode on windows 11 for anyone? This is not happening rarely. I just switched to darkmode and it immidiately would not open again. That was the fastest it crashed yet usually it crashed eventually upon resizing and would not open again. Or it would no longer open after restarting the system. Day 2 of the trial period now. With lightmode it works fine.

Yes, I use dark mode exclusivly on all my devices (W11 Roon Server, W11 remotes, MacOS, iOS) and I have had no issues for years. As @Geoff_Coupe notes, it may be useful to create your own support ticket so Roon staff can investigate.