B1471 Airplay problem Sonos Era100

As soon as I updated to B1471, I can no longer initiate an Airplay stream to either of my Sonos Era100 speakers. Sonos Play:1, Amp, and Port work fine (can transfer a stream between all of them) but Era100s are silent.

Sonos One speakers also working fine.

Just to note, Sonos has been pushing out new firmware updates at a rapid clip, since their own software disasters, so it’s very possible that this week’s updates from Sonos did something to mess it up. That said, the Era100s are working fine with Airplay streams started from an iPhone, so I’m pretty sure it’s a Roon compatibility problem (though not necessarily Roon’s fault).

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While it is possible there was a Sonos firmware update overnight, I was AirPlaying to my Era’s within 12 hours of this week’s Roon update (Build 1470), after which Airplaying to the Era’s stopped working.

Were you ever on the production release 1470, and was it working then?

I am having the same issue. Everything was working fine and then it stopped. I can AirPlay from other sources but not from roon. My Sonos One work but not the Era 100

See thread linked below. Should hopefully be fixed next update.

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Problem still exists on early release 1474. No change, unable to initiate airplay stream to Sonos Era 100 speakers

Still no AirPlay to Sonos Era 100s on early release B1475

AirPlay still not working on Sonos Era 100. It does however work with my Sonos one.

Airplay streaming to Sonos Era 100 still not working on Build 1484.

Any news with the coming update?

I’m having the same issue, if that’s important.

AirPlay streaming to Sonos Era 100 speakers still not working on early access build 1489.

Seems a little strange since it’s been many weeks since they said they identified the problem and were including it in an upcoming fix.

I have the same problem. Newest Roon Version, Sonos One SL, Era 100 and other Devices (eg WiiM Pro Plus). All Devices work well when playing with Roon over Airplay 2 EXCEPT Era 100 which is not working. Sonos One SL also works well. When streaming sound from eg an iPhone directly to the Era 100 it works fine also.

Is Room working on this issue already?

@Daniel Any progress with the Airplay issue for the Sonos Era 100? How much longer will this take?

Just wondering if anyone has any updates on this? It’s been almost three months since we’ve been able to Airplay to Sonos 100 or 300 speakers. Other thread said a fix had been identified, but nothing since.

Is there anybody out there?..Just nod if you can hear me…

Any update on this?

AirPlay streaming to the newer Sonos devices has been broken since last October 2024… Multiple threads here on the forums, but no indication on progress other than “a ticket is in”.

It’s gotten so bad that I’ve almost stopped using Roon for home streaming… And I’ve been forced to revert to the (shudder) Sonos app for Tidal and library streaming.

Just to check with the rest of you who can’t Airplay to Sonos Era speakers - are you also on Early Access? Do you know if Airplay works with the standard release channel of Roon?

Kind of regretting that I paid ahead for a year of Roon. Really need that Airplay streaming to 1) reduce load on home network (more efficient than direct Sonos streaming) and 2) pass metadata to the Sonos app (needed for Spouse Acceptance Factor).

I am not on early access, airplay to my Era 100’s does not work on the regular release.

I am probably done with Roon after my year. I will re-evaluate when the time comes and what my alternatives are. Even if they get it fixed, the lack of info is making me rethink if this is a service worth paying for.

Yeah, if I hadn’t already paid for the year, I think I’d be getting out now.

Have been experimenting this week with using only Sonos app, Tidal, and Plex for home & car. I miss the metadata & bio information, and I’d have to sell a very stable NUC ROCK that I put together, but I’m starting to this this was a wrong turn. Will stick it out until the end of my subscription, but imagining life without it.

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