Back always resets view/returns to top

When I’m browsing “New releases for you” and I pick something to look at or listen to, when I go back (back button) I’m always at the very top of my list again with “All” selected as top filter selection. Roon appears to not remember my previous state. This happens on Windows, iOS and Android. Having to always scroll again and/or reset my filter every time I want to give something a look keeps me from being able to enjoy this aspect of Roon. Am I doing something wrong? I’d be happy if this was just my own ignorance at play.


I dislike this as well. Roon should remember where I was and return me back to my starting point not return me to the top. It has been like this for as long as I can remember so I don’t hold out hope for change.


Agreed! I do so appreciate and enjoy Roon, but the now-long-term issue raised in this thread (and elsewhere), plus the more recent iOS flash of white light ‘strobe effect’ (jarringly noticeable when returning to the app in dark mode ever since v1.8 was released), definitely detract from the experience.

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Agree completely!!

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Yep hats another bug introduced in 1.8. I put a report in, they are „working on it“ - lets see when that work is completed…

I have the same issue in a bookmarked album view with filters. If I apply the filters manually and directly in the album view, the scrolling is remembered. When I bookmark this view and get back to it later on it while always reset to top when going back from an album.

Thats this one:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: 1.8 BUG: Roon always jumps back to first page after selecting an Album in “My Albums” [Ticket In]