Backup question SSD vs external HDD

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
I’m using a Sonic Transporter i5 and a hard wired network

Description Of Issue
My ST i5 is showing 280 GB used in it’s internal SSD. My external backup HDD is showing 187 GB. Roon is showing an album count of 810 which seems about right for 280GB.

I stream both Tidal and Qobuz and use SynchBack for backups.

Is it possible the external HDD isn’t backing up albums I added streaming but the ST i5 accounting for them in its SSD?

Hi @anon75017651,

What is all being backed up on the external drive? Both media and the Roon database? If you’re backing up the Roon database, how are you doing this? Through the Backups feature with a recurring backup?

It might be possible that the ST OS is using up part of the internal drive as well, which is why it’s larger than the external drive.

I’m not backing up the Roon database I don’t think because I have made no specific provision to do that. I’m backing up the ST music storage file. Do saved streaming files from Tidal or Qobuz not take up space on an external backup HDD?

Hi @KenS,

No, they do not take up space on the external HDD.

Also, your Roon database will take up some space and since that’s not being backed up, that also explains why less space is being used.

Does Roon database contain any info on saved streaming that would allow me to recover the streamed music saved? If not how would I recover the streamed music if the ST i5 failed?

The Roon backup contains all the configuration of Roon, all the links to the music you have added (both local and streamed albums), all your edit plus playlisted etc… but it does not contain the music itself.

It very important to make and maintain regular Roon backups … just in case disaster strikes.

(Same advice for your music files as well, it wise to have at least two backup of those … one onsite and one offsite.)

Hi @anon75017651,

Any TIDAL or Qobuz media that you add to your library are also added as a favorite in TIDAL/Qobuz, so that will be saved. I do recommend also using a Roon backup as Carl mentions because any Roon-specific data will then be saved as well. This includes playlists, plays, edits, etc.

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