Banning feature for artist tracks not working in Daily Mixes (ref#7G3OB0)

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Hi there. The new feature for banning music does not seem to work. I initially “banned” a few tracks by Lana Del Ray. Then I banned Lana Del Rey (Artist). Nevertheless, I regularly find tracks by this artist in my Daily Mixes. How can that be?

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Not of any meaning in this case, i guess.

When did you ban them? Roon staff said in some post that it can take a few days until a ban filters through into all subsystems

I banned the artist a few days ago. Last Friday or so.

I found the post I meant, it actually spoke of hours, so I guess this should have happened for you by now:

Back to Roon support… :slight_smile:

I think this is expected behaviour. See:

But a daily mix isn’t a playlist as such and daily mixes are supposed to be affected by bans, from the FAQ:

Maybe a ban only comes into effect if the ban exists before the daily mix has been created

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The ban exists for several days now, and I still find Del Rey in my Daily Mixes. Roon tells in it’s description:

Encounter an Artist you don’t like? Fire away! Click the three dots menu, go to the bottom, and ban them. A song comes on Roon Radio that was playing when your first crush broke up with you, leaving you forever scarred… three dots and ban. You’ll never hear it on Roon Radio, Artist Radio, or in any of your Daily Mixes ever again.

Where the daily mixes created before or after the ban?

Daily Mixes are being created on a daily basis by roon. :wink:
I banned the artist three or four days ago. And the daily mix is – as you can guess – from today.

Yes but one can have daily mixes from previous days.

Seems like a bug then in new mixes…

Only if you save them off as a separate playlists. Even if you get the same Artist two days in a row, the tracks of a Daily Mix will be different (or were for me when I was tracking every daily mix content for over a year).

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I was pretty sure that my DMs survive for some time even if not saved, but maybe not :slight_smile:

That said, I do agree with you Daily Mixes are not “playlists” in the context of the Global Banning discussion; and, are specifically spelled out being respected for Daily Mixes. Actually, any Valence generated content should follow the ban.

The paragraph to which Geoff refers, to me, is talking about playlists the user has previously generated and as such count the same as the user positively selecting the banned content for play. So, a user’s already created 1000 track playlist will play the banned Artist if that artist is on that playlist.

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That’s my understanding as well. There is a gray area maybe insofar as a DM starts out as a DM but can then be saved as a playlist.

My understanding would be that the newly generated DM observes bans that exist at the time of DM creation.

However, if I save the DM as a playlist, then later bans would not automatically update such existing playlists. Makes sense to me but maybe the Playlist Improver could benefit from a new option, „update bans“

Hi @Frank_Borowski,

When did you save the Daily Mix as a Playlist?

Hi connor.

I use the Daily Mixes as a daily place to listen to music. I think that’s exactly what they’re meant for. :slight_smile: So far I haven’t had any need to save a Daily Mix as a playlist. I compile my playlists more individually. One of the ways I do this is by saving nice track discoveries from daily mixes in my own playlists.

According to Roon’s explanation (see quote above), banning music is supposed to ensure that it never appears in the Daily Mixes again, but that’s exactly the case.

I have just discovered another such case, as described in the initial post: Lana Del Rey is banned. (For several days now.) But in a new Daily Mix from today, Lana appears again.

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New day, new Daily Mix and once again I found Lana Del Rey in one of the lists.

Yep there’s a bug in how I handled profiles server side and so some items were slipping past bans. Working on this currently.


Same happening to me, it’s been more than a week and banned artist and songs keep appearing in Daily Mixes and radio.

See post directly above yours