Batch CD ripping on macOS


Yes, I actually did apply it to both strings… I wondered whether one of the sonata’s titles included either ‘smart’ when it should have included ‘regular’ quotes, and/or an en when it should have been an em dash - and that there was where the discrepancy lay. But that tool didn’t find anything. Pasting did it!

Agreed; I’ve used it from about version 6. (You’ll have seen v. 15 was released yesterday)? And from 14.6 it contained (Edit > Repeat last command or Cmnd-Y) vi’s period (.), which I missed, also having used vi a lot in my own Unix days.

I’ve written up the process for creating and editing/‘correcting’ playlist files and am on to the next area of Roon to learn (making sense of Genres).

Thanks again!

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