BBC Radio 3 issues

I am happy to welcome UK Rooners here in Marseille for BBC listening sessions :slight_smile:


My new TP-Link AC2800 router is now inplace on a basic DHCP config while I see if it makes any difference.

Iā€™ve managed to remove 2 switches from my network and two wireless access points, so I now have router providing wireless and the core is directly connected.

The only service that had any issues was Roon Live Radio so open mind and Iā€™ll see what happens, 6 music on test been playing for 42 mins, big test will be in the morning to see if I get any clipping on the stream.

@Kevin @support
So new router 6 Music still cuts off and reports that user stopped the stream, for me that puts the issue back in Roons court.
What is planned to fix this issue and timescales??

Looks like start of stream
03/23 16:54:04 Trace: [Office] [LowQuality, 24/48 AAC => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 5:23] LIFE - Big Moon Lake
03/23 16:54:04 Debug: UI-FORCE-LAZY: mode: internetradiodetails

End of stream with no input from me -
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [client/sonos] av_status
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/sonos] state from device: STOPPED
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/sonos] zoneplayer state: Playing
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/sonos] device stopped or paused by user, ending stream
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [Office] [zoneplayer/sonos] State transition Playing => Disconnected
03/23 18:09:10 Debug: [easyhttp] [4356] GET to returned after 13 ms, status code: 200
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [endpoint/sonos/uuid:RINCON_347E5C1979B801400] check zone coordinator, device coordinator: RINCON_347E5C1979B801400, roon coordinator: RINCON_347E5C1979B801400
03/23 18:09:10 Trace: [client/sonos] timers stopped
03/23 18:09:10 Warn: [zone Office] Track Stopped Due to LostEndpoint

Well more than a century is a long time, or was that 19:00? :wink:

What type endpoint are you playing to?
Sonos or something else.

Iā€™ve just started a new stream at 19:00 directly on my core to see how long that lasts.

Hi Phil, Iā€™m playing to a Raspberry Pi running HiFiBerryOS. Itā€™s been working now for over 24 hours without a drop. I have no idea why!

My setup goes: Router>Eero 1(cabled); Eero1>Eero2 (wireless); Eero2>Roon Core (cabled); Eero2>Eero3 (wireless); Eero3>Raspberry Pi (cabled)

Iā€™ve just been out for a beer but set off three streams before I left.
Directly on the Mac mini Core
Ifi Stream

All ethernet connected, all had stopped when I returned with 2 hours.

@Kevin @Yaohan
Today I completely reinstalled Roon
Disconnected all of my Sonos and reconfigured to use all Wi-Fi rather than some ethernet and SonosNet
New router shows it not under any load, set DNS to and

Result BBC stations still cut off and stop playing worse in the morning

Do you an update on this issue??

Phil, is that on 6 Music? Iā€™ve had R3 going for almost 48 hours, which is completely incredible. I havenā€™t changed any hardware or reinstalled anything.

I can test 6 Music if youā€™d like.

I usually listen to 6 music but I can replicate on all BBC stations. Always lots of clipping first thing in the morning and better in the afternoon , so at the moment itā€™s been playing ok for 1:30 hours, iā€™ve run out of things to try.

Other than setting up my core on my gaming pc rather than mac mini.

Iā€™d be amazed if itā€™s anything to do with your setup.

The mystery, from my POV, is why itā€™s been rock solid for almost two days. I wish @support would tell us what, if anything, has changed.

Iā€™ve had 6 music playing for over four hours now, no idea why this stream has lasted so long, I donā€™t mind it stopping now and then , itā€™s easy to just press play itā€™s the clipping and cutting off thatā€™s annoying as it just removes any listening pleasure.

ā€œI donā€™t mind it stopping now and then , itā€™s easy to just press play itā€™s the clipping and cutting off thatā€™s annoying as it just removes any listening pleasure.ā€

In other words, you do mind. As do I. When youā€™re on tenterhooks because the music might stop at any moment it ruins the entire experience. Maybe not so much if Iā€™m listening to a three minute pop song but absolutely unacceptable if Iā€™m twenty minutes into the last movement of a symphony.

First and foremost Roon should deliver a rock-solid networking experience. All the rest is gravy.

Iā€™ve just started 6Music now and it is constantly dropping out.

I wonder if itā€™s Roon server capacity, mine has been playing now for 1 hour 30 mins.

Having run R3 for three days without a hiccup Iā€™ve started 6 music (8.45 pm) to see what happens.

Do you guys also get dropouts on the 128kbps MP3 BBC streams ? These are very standard ICY streams, all the others being HLS which is more unusual.

FYI, Radio 6 is still running, so thatā€™s 12 hours.

my 320 stream was clipping this morning, used Sonos for a while which is always perfect, just changed to the 128 after the last post and that seems to be OK, Iā€™ll see how long it plays for.

It seems very hit and miss, iā€™ve set the 128 as default.

My stream stopped playing again, even though Iā€™ve updated the router and network and tried all different combinations to get a reliable stream nothing has worked.
Really frustrating as Tidal and local content works fine, my Sonos started streams will run all day without issues.

My monthly subscription ends on the 8th April and we have little sign of Roon resolving this issue.
Until I see confirmations of a resolution and see the iPad magic touchpad issues resolved Roon is not fit for purpose as a paid subscription service when the free alternative solutions work.

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