Best native DSD DACs for use with HQPlayer?

Apparently I will have it next week.

Not the DAC - the user manual :grin:

Ok I got the user manual.

No mention of a DSD Direct mode.

It’s volume control is entire in the analogue domain (99 level digitally controlled, analogue volume control).

So it’s possible it is running in DSD Direct mode all the time.

But not clear.

Gustard, SMSL and even Topping always make it clear in the manual, when DSDD mode is an option that can be enabled/disabled.

RME obviously too, with AKM based models.

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The T+A DAC8 DSD has a clean or wide filter option on dsd. What is the recommendation regarding HQP configuration on dsd 256 or 512 and modulators?

If you set “clean” with seventh order modulators, you get roughly same amount of left over out of band noise as with fifth order modulators and wide setting.

So the recommendation is to use “clean” for seventh order modulators and either one for fifth order. But you can choose which way you like.

Did someone here use the new SMSL D400ex with AKM 4499EX chip with HQPlayer?

I’ll do that and see what I like best. Thanks.

I have Gustard A26 now, but not yet the SMSL model.

I would be interested to know what think about the A26. And if there are limitations with the streamer and XMOS chip in that DAC.

The teroidal transformers, spacious chassis and the output stage certainly look really nice.
But it’s 30% more expensive than the D400EX.

And about 1000 euro more expensive than what I paid for my SMSL D300.

It performs pretty nice. And sounds nice. Although it has some firmware bugs. For example the DSD filter setting does nothing.

I didn’t test the streamer part yet, because I don’t have spare ethernet ports on my equipment rack (all of current 8 are in use). USB works generally fine and I didn’t find bugs in that area.

Clocking is weakest point of that DAC through USB. I will test it at some point through the Holo Red I2S too to see if it gets better or worse that way. But I already spent over 8 hours measuring it and don’t have time right now to do more.

Maybe I will get that one too at some point. But SMSL has also track record of many firmware bugs.


So If the DSD filter setting does nothing, does “DSD direct” work?

To the extent that it does something yes. So the measured output changes when that setting is changed.

I tried to send email to Gustard about this, but so far total silence.

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I have been using this dac via the streamer under HQPlayer for over a month. Nothing to report, it works very well.
The streamer is not configurable (no possibility to switch to a fixed IP or to lighten up by blocking RAAT or UPNP services).
But IPV6 is active.
Everything works.
@jussi_laako When you talk about DSD filter, it’s Narrow Bandwidth for and Wide Bandwidth ?


In A26, that setting does nothing. There’s a firmware bug that it doesn’t work. And Gustard is not responding to emails either (not that I would be surprised about that).

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At least switching it on/off changes the output measurably. So it is certainly doing something. But the DSD filter frequency setting working would be good confirmation, as that feature is only available in DSD Direct mode.


And AMIR doesn’t have DSD test signal… yes, it does ! :upside_down_face:

What do you mean by “yes it does” ?

Wrong translation. “I don’t believe it…” the test pro doesn’t trust in his DSD signal generator

Well I’m really looking forward to a more in-depth review by @jussi_laako .

This DAC would tick so many boxes… Comes with all the audiophile stuff you could possibly want in a DAC… it measures good enough to get a recommended by ASR. And it has a roon and NAA streamer… all I could really ask for.

ASR reviews are nice but they don’t even mention DSD performance at all.

A26 works generally well, and measures very well in DSD too. And it is very flexible.

It has two weak points. From measurements, it’s clock could be better. It has some amount of phase noise. Another one is the firmware which has bugs, for example the DSD filter setting does nothing.

I wish they would at least fix the firmware, which is totally doable.


@jussi_laako There is a clock subject for the A26/R26 that allows the K2 to be bypassed.
Do you have any measurements on the K2 ?
How much to invest for a real upgrade is still to be seen.
I had the opportunity to take a “small” LHY and I’m waiting for an Italian M&P cable to test without investing too much but as far as the clock is concerned, no surprise, it’s Mutec and xxxx€ !
After, then you can choose between square and sine.
It is often according to the quality of the clock (the sine being more facilitating… one can even add a low-pass filter as advised by J. Senson to have a minimal quality and a limited noise).