Best platform for HQplayer/NAA

Try with
cd /tmp
on embedded is there

Sorry. Same negative result.

Maybe on fedora is different, I’m on Ubuntu

Is there any specific reason for you to use fedora? Most of us use Windows, macOS or Ubuntu … very few use fedora therefore some support can be more difficult

It was suggested by Jussi! I had Fedora 36 for long and it worked but I had problems last week and had to do something. It happened when I downloaded the last update in Roon. I know 39 is not releasedatum yet so maybe I go for 37. I tried Ubuntu first but could not get HQplayer to work. In Fedora I just dubbleclick on file but that did not work in Ubuntu!

Just installed HQP Desktop 5.5.1 on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS last week on a friend’s pc and HQPe 5.5.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 too without issues at all … in both cases 5’ and all was running fine

How did you activate HQplayer?

Loading the xml license file:
on HQP desktop from Help/Register menu
on HQPe from Key menu

Try “less ~/.hqplayer/HQPlayer4Desktop.log”

Thank you Jussi! It worked. Its avery long file. Here 2snapshots from the last part.

Connection to the NAA was lost for some reason. Hard to say why, output of the NAA from that moment could possibly help figuring out why.

Well, it is working for me now so I am happy!

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