For example this one is gorgeous…
Best drum sound you’ve ever heard
Classical Vocal
and of course, the obligatory RR
Then try this…great recording and incomparable vocals and arrangements
The dvd audio versions of the workingmans dead and American beauty
The SQ on this is spectacular - and the music is quite unlike anything else I have heard in a long lifetime of jazz listening. Hino’s most brilliant moment, maybe.
“Hogiuta” by Terumasa Hino, on Eastwind Records (Japan). Not crazy hard to find in the US.
I just attended the Munich Audio Show and heard dozens of systems costing in the high fives or low six figure range . Many were demonstrated with turntable , arm , cartridge and phono preamp systems costing a quarter of a million dollars or more . All made the records pops , clicks and assorted vinyl noise sound much clearer and cleaner . One manufacturer of a very expensive optical cartridge was also displaying a device to help correct for the eccentricity of the record hole since all records are punched a varying degree " off center " . I hate to tell you this Garye - - it is akin to telling a kid that Santa Claus ain’t real - - but what you like so much about records is even-ordered harmonic distortion . Go through all the ritual that vinyl lovers so enjoy but as soon as the stylus hits the record you know you are listening to something phony .
I don’t know about “best” because that would mean I’d have to listen to every CD in existence and I simply don’t have the time or means to do that.
“Ever” hasn’t happened yet.
However, here are some of my favourite “go-to” CDs that I use for testing speakers, headphones, and players/transports as well as demo’ing audio capabilities to guests. These I am intimately familiar with as I’ve played them A LOT. I also have them ripped to WAV & FLAC of course to audition portable DAPs and the ilk.
Funnily enough an old recording - My Way - The very best of Frank Sinatra. Just shows that if music is recorded and mastered well CDs still cut it IMHO.
You do raise a very good point. There is no point in getting the best recording on the best medium, buying the best system and not sorting the room first. I would never judge Hi-Fi at a show.
See also Blue heron suite. Sounds live in studio.
Two of my faves for sound quality:
The Flat Earth-Thomas Dolby
Check out Lyle Lovett : Live in Texas.
I love the whole album, but check out “North Dakota”.
Very well recorded.
A great multichannel recording.
I’m not a blues fan by any means but years ago I picked up vinyl by lightning Hopkins titled lightning strikes. Apparently there are two albums with this title but this one was recorded in oct 4-5 1965. It is the best sounding sq wise piece of music that I own regardless of format. It dynamic, vibrant and just so well recorded.