Bit depth reduction from 24 to 16

Roon Core Machine

Sonore Sonic Transporter i5

Networking Gear & Setup Details

dlink router to Sonore Ultrarendu

Connected Audio Devices


Number of Tracks in Library

46000 tracks. No MP3

Description of Issue

Why is Roon 2.0 build 1202 reducing the bit depth on 24bit tracks to 16 bit?

Looks like your core (I assume the sonic transporter) is doing that for some reason. In Settings > Audio you should see your core output and you can pull up Device Setup > Advanced and you should see something resembling the below - set Max bits per sample to 24 or 32 or whatever the max is for your device.

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Thanks. In Settings - Audio I can only see my Roon end points, not the core. I can set max sample rate here but not bit depth for each end point. The only place I can see the core (yes, the Sonic Transporter) is under Settings - General or Settings - About and I cannot control any of its streaming behavior. I do not have the core set up as an end point.

You need to look at the setup of whatever endpoint Roon is playing too in settings.
That is where you should find the same information as @Rockhound posted.

Looks like the ultrarendu?

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Under Advanced Setup for the Ultrarendu device I cannot set bit depth:

Interesting…I used to have a uR and honestly can’t remember what it used to do.
However you say this is new?
Any screenshot prior to this by any chance showing it still at 24 bit?

I just found this behavior today when I noticed the Schiit Yggdrasil did not click over to lock in to 24bit from 16bit when I changed tracks. It may have been doing it before, I don’t really know. But I also had a Roon update when I turned on the system just before I started listening…

Interestingly it does appear to be related to the Ultrarendu. I looked at the Advanced settings on a different endpoint (from Elac) and it includes the bit depth settings as above. I have no idea why the uR does not. I really never noticed this before.


On the first screenshot on your first post, what device is “Office”? If you click the three vertical dots, it should take you to Device Setup and DSP options.

“Office” is the second screen shot. I do not have access to bit depth controls in this device. I think there may be something wrong in the ultraRendu or the Schiit Yggdrasil.

Like @AceRimmer I had an ultraRendu for a while - I don’t recall a whole lot of tinkering options on the device. Have you tried a factory reset or equivalent? Or maybe another USB cable? Clutching at straws here…

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I have a microRendu and I see bitrate choices but I’m pretty sure the advanced tab is referring to the DAC not the Rendu as I too see different options if I switch DACs.

It seems like maybe the Rendu is effecting the way the Yggy reports its capabilities to Roon?
Have you tried a different USB cable as Rockhound suggested?
Or maybe connect the Yggy direct to core and see if anything changes?

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Yes it seems the Yggdrasil Unison USB card is not reporting properly any longer. I tried a different DAC and Roon stopped down-sampling. It’s the DAC. Thank you to everyone who helped me troubleshoot.

Here’s the issue I believe (from DAC Diagnostics app in ultraRendu):

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Not the first Unison USB Schiit problem that has been reported tbh.
Good luck with it.

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