What’s happening?
· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC
What best describes your issue with ARC
· Other
Describe the issue
Every time I start Roon Radio from any Genre page in ARC, in my “Recent Activity - Played” section of Roon Remote homepage there is a blank square. A blank square for every Radio I start from a Genre page in ARC.
Some examples for you to reproduce:
In ARC: I started Roon Radio from "African Folk" genre at 11:02 am CET 22 August 2024, song playing was "Ho A Muto" by Henry Dikonguè. (I went to this genre page and clicked the “Start radio” button there is under the genre title, see screenshot in the next message).
Immediately a blank square appeared in the playing section screen, as if it is seen that I started radio from this genre but Roon doesn't know what do display. In ARC, every time I start Radio from a Genre in ARC, in ARC homepage’s Played section there is no sign that I did start radio. I don’t know what should be the correct behavior here. Because when I start a Radio from an Artist page, then in my Played section both in ARC and in Roon Remotes I see the image of the Artist which I just started Radio from.
Anyway, then I stopped the song and, always in ARC, played the album Graceland by Paul Simon, song playing "The Boy in The Bubble" at 11:04 am CET 22 August 2024. I played this so it's more evident that there is a blank square previous the Graceland album in the Rcenetly Played screen.
Then, always in ARC, I started Radio from the genre page "Pop/Rock" at 11:06 am CET 22 August 2024, song playing "Enter Sadman (Remastered 2021)" by Metallica and you can see on the left of the previously played Graceland album there is another blank square.
Now I play click the Play Now button on the artist U2 screen, always in ARC, it's 11:09 am CET 22 August 2024, song playing "Even Better Than The Real Thing" by U2, and in Roon in my recently played section now there is the circle artist image of U2.
So everything is working good, except when I start Radio in ARC from a genre page clicking the "Start radio" button just under the Genre name.
This is issue is unfortunate because when I use ARC and play a few of different Genres Radios when I get back to my Roon Remotes my Recently Played screen appear completely blank because it's full of squares which are transparent/blank, like the screenshot in my next message.
I raised this issue one year ago, at first I didn’t know what the cause was, and then realized it was Radio from ARC genre pages; but I then received no more answer, the support thread closed. I’m now trying once again to solve it. Link to my previous support thread: https://community.roonlabs.com/t/recently-played-section-missing-on-roon-home-screen-ref-dgdx30/250038/7?u=riccardo_sicheri
Describe your network setup
I run the Roon Server in my Windows 11 laptop (HP Spectre x360 - 13-aw0013nl), Intel(R) Core™ i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz, 1498 Mhz, 4 core, 8 processors, RAM 16GB. I move from 4 different houses a lot so it's always connected to those 4 Wi-Fi routers and I use the laptop also to listen to music. So my laptope is also the remote. I use my Galaxy A54 as a remote too and to use ARC.