Block certain artists or albums on Radio

This is for Roon on a Macbook running Ventura.

Am using Roon Radio mostly, to discover new music, and finding within my chosen genre no matter what track I use as the seed song the same few artists, albums and tracks keep coming up.

Is there a way I can block those few artists, albums and tracks in Radio so I don’t have to keep listening to, skipping over, or thumbs downing the the same few tracks over and over.

This is not possible, however, there is a feature request in for this:

In the mean time you can try clicking the “heart”
icon twice on the artist page to get the the “ban circle”

Thanks for the reply. Will try clicking the heart twice in the case for artist I don’t like at all. Use cases will vary from user to user and in some cases artist block would be too broad but this helps.

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