Boygenius "The Record" released today; Qobuz has it -- Roon does not

LP called “The Record” was released today (31 March 2023).

Qobuz has the full record on its web player.

Roon only shows the four singles that were previously released.

I tried adding the album to my library (with the four songs) and deleting it but that didn’t enable the full album to appear.

I tried adding the album with the four songs and then doing Edit/Identify and when I do there is a 31 March version of the LP but the identifying the record as that version doesn’t get the full LP to display with all songs.

How do I fix?

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Like the album in Qobuz and it should appear in your Roon library once they sync (which you can do manually )

EDIT except this isn’t working for me for this album. Usually does however.


@Sloop_John_B Yes, what’s funny is if you add it (with the four songs) and then click Edit/Identify record, there is a version that was released today that has all the songs – but it won’t synch those into the database – it just matches the four that we previously released.

Per @Suedkiez, I bet it does resolve in a day, or so it’s just frustrating to have to listen to it via QoBuz (and admit to my wife that Roon is quirky). :slight_smile:

Not the end of the world


i hope it will appear soon in Roon. Today I listened the album on my car radio and it is a great album. Looking forward to listen it on my hifi set. :heart_eyes:

I believe Roon syncs with both Tidal and Qobuz once a day. So the album should appear tomorrow.

It is showing up in Roon via Tidal.

I’m part way through it. Their first EP was great. Been looking forward to this one.

I would be very frustrated if I didn’t have access to it today. “We should have it in a day or two” isn’t acceptable to me.

But they can’t really pull the Qobuz database every hour either

But how about on fridays…

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It’s kind of inevitable with a daily pull. I don’t know what the solution could be

So do differential sync. Or shoulder tap. Or feed. Or whatever. There are many established approaches for syncing large corpora with low latency.

As a user, I don’t particularly care about the architectural challenges that Roon has to overcome. It should be a fundamental behavior of the system that all content available in the underlying services (Qobuz and Tidal) is available in Roon at the time it becomes available in the base services. And while I appreciate that this forum is mostly driven by enthusiasts, it isn’t particularly helpful in my opinion to explain away Roon’s deficiencies as “architecturally hard”.

In my opinion, it’s a real problem that someone might have to wait a couple of days to be able to listen to a new release in Roon when that release is otherwise available on all of the major platforms.


Well I’m not an expert when it comes to this kind of stuff. As my daily job is driving around forklifts and do relevant logistics work. Quite different to how Roon handles Tidal/Qobuz updates :wink:

However, I don’t think a full update will be done in a few minutes. It probably takes awhile. Same probably goes with incremental updates.

I guess I’m more of a laid back person when it comes to this kind of stuff. If it didn’t make the list today, it will be there tomorrow.

Fair enough, I just think there are bigger problems


It’s here for me in Qobuz and ARC. Although I am using UAPP to actually listen as away from home and don’t want it resampled on my DAP.

Weird. I’ve done a manual resync, but it only shows up here in Tidal when it comes to Roon.

Are you sure you haven’t selected the EP with the same title, as that was released earlier.

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Doh! Yes you’re right. Another plus for UAPP for me then as listening to full album right now.

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What is particularly odd (and annoying) is that this boygenius release was the headline of the Qobuz email of weekly releases and it ain’t on Roon. Same thing happened last week on Friday (including the Qobuz headline email) with Lana Del Rey’s new release…it resolved at Roon on Saturday.

I wonder why making it a favourite in Qobuz does not drag it into Roon however, as this usually worked for me with all albums in a similar situation and it is mentioned in the quote from Roon that @Suedkiez quoted above.


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It’s not like Roon is for people who organize their lives around music, their favorite artists, shows, releases… Oh wait.