Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
2018 Mac Mini 6 Core 3.2GHz, i7, Mojave 10.14.6, roon 1.7
USB to Wyred4Sound Dac DSDse2, Wyred4Sound STP Stage 2 preamp, SX1000 mono blocks X2
My library is stored since 2008 on Promise Pegasus R6 Raid 5 Thunderbolt HD, now PR2 18TB. One of my Bruno Walter albums, Mozart Symphonies No.40 in G minor, K. 550, & Symphony No. 41, in C major, K. 551 Jupiter, ripped from CD to AIFF, 44.1/16 only shows 2 tracks of 8, tracks 4 & 5, omitting the other six tracks. When I edit album and select re-identify album, that shows all eight tracks, on the left side but only 2 tracks on the right side. I have removed the album from the music library folder. Then added it back and no matter, only tracks 4 and 5 are identified when roon core is launched and the album is selected. In the Mozart folder in my music library folder, the album folder contains all eight tracks. iTunes or Music, shows all eight tracks. But roon will only show those 2 tracks. I have tried everything, re-identify, etc. Nothing allows roon to recognize the full album of eight tracks. How to get roon to access the full album? This did not start with 1.7. It’s been an issue. I also see in clean up 53,000 plus tracks and don’t know the reason for this huge number. I only selected one music library folder of approximately 4926 albums. I used to watch both the iTunes (now Music) folder but long time ago stopped watching that folder and only watch the Music Library folder on one of my Promise Pegasus R6 Raid 5 18TB. I back up to a Promise Pegasus R6 Raid 5 Thunderbolt 15TB. And regularly backup roon’s database to a third Promise Pegasus R4 Raid 5 8TB. How do I get roon to recognize the complete album? Best, Richard