Bug: Must type artist name twice when adding unknown artist credit in 1.8 (still in 763) [Report is in]

[As this poor little report may have been overlooked in the Software room where I created it, I hope it is OK to move it here for the consideration of @support]

Reproduced with Windows desktop version and Android tablet (not on phone as there seems to be no editing option), don’t know about iOS, macOS

  1. Edit album or track > Credits
  2. Click “Add credit”
  3. Keyboard focus is automatically in Choose Artist > Filter. Type into Filter to search for an artist that does not exist yet.
  4. The “[+] Create Artist” field is shown, click it

In 1.7, the “[+] Create Artist” field was automatically pre-populated with the artist name as just typed into the search filter.
This allowed a quick check & confirm, or a final edit to a possibly mistyped name

The “[+] Create Artist” field is empty when it appears.
This means that you have to type the same name again that you just typed into the filter to search for it.
After running into this a few times, you start to copy the name from the Filter before clicking “Create Artist” which is a silly thing having to do.

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Roon Rock Version 1.0 (build 227) stable
Roon Server Version 1.8 (build 763) stable
NUC 10i5 w/ 16 GB, 250 GB database SSD (99% of 227 GB available)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Fritzbox 6591 Cable (250 Mbit/s downlink)
(Cat 6a)
> English Electric 8Switch
(Cat 6a)
> Roon Rock

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Naim NDX2 via Ethernet (Cat 6a) to Rock

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Thanks for the report, @Suedkiez — I just wanted to confirm that this feedback has been passed along to the team.

Thank you!