Build 102 Problem with MC200 zone

I have just run into what looks like the same issue with my Meridian MC200. I am running Roon 1.1 build 102, 32-bit. I was playing through it earlier today without issue, but after pausing for a while, attempting to resume came up with this:

02/05 19:56:04 Info: [zoneplayer/base] Starting playback
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT REQUEST Pformat=pcm,samplerate=44100,bitspersample=16,channels=2
02/05 19:56:04 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=1053 Quality=Lossless
    Output OutputType=Meridian Quality=Lossless

02/05 19:56:04 Debug: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/180 sec
02/05 19:56:04 Info: [zoneplayer/base] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
02/05 19:56:04 Debug: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/186 sec
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,8820
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,8820] ack
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:04 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:08 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:08 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:08 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,8820
02/05 19:56:08 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,8820] ack
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,8820
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,8820] ack
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] GOT REQUEST o1,4410
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [meridian] [] SENT RESPONSE TO [o1,4410] ack
02/05 19:56:09 Warn: [ping to [] timed out in EndpointManagementClient after 5012.335ms --check the remote end]
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [Sooloos.Audio.Meridian.EndpointManagementClient disposed]
02/05 19:56:09 Trace: [Sooloos.Broker.Transport.MeridianZonePlayerEndpointStreamingClient disposed]
02/05 19:56:09 Info: [meridian] connection failed to management=42490 control=56341 clock=41787
02/05 19:56:09 Info: [transport] destroyed zone MC200 was playing? True

Looks like a network issue or your mc200 hung. Is this happening always?

The issue was happening all the time, but since reporting this issue I have updated to Roon 1.2 build 147 and there has also been a Sooloos update. Between those two updates the issue appears to have been resolved.

my guess is that they rolled out a fix in that sooloos update… we saw one for the MS200 a while ago that fixed a lot of issues… must have rolled out MC200 as well.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.