Hi @Ross_Frank ---- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. Both are appreciated.
Moving forward, to help aide in my evaluation of this behavior may I kindly ask you to provide the following:
Just to confirm. You are saying that pre build 234 you were not experiencing any stoppages during playback and since the update this behavior has been consistently repeatable? By chance, have there been any other adjustments made to your setup recently? Just curious if any other factors could be having an influence here.
Could you please provide a brief but accurate description of your current setup as seen here.
I understand you’ve already power cycled your Roon core and storage devices, have you tried power cycling the rest of your audio/network equipment?
During your troubleshooting have your tried (temporarily of course) bypassing the content on the NAS and playing back a locally stored file on the Mac Mini? How about when you bypass the audio equipment? If you were to play through the internal sound card of the Mac Mini to a pair of head phones, do you still get these dropouts?